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16. XVI.
The Radical Change. — A slight Alteration in
the Name and Policy of Mr. Nasby's “Institoot.”
(Wich is in the Stait uv Kentucky),
April 22, 1867.
TIMES changes, and men change jist ez fast ez
times. I should like to see the times wich
kin change faster than I kin; but this last shift I
hev bin forced to make, ruther took my breth. It
wuz sudden. The Connecticut eleckshun didn't do
us much good after all. We felt well over it for
perhaps a day; but ez we begun to git other indicashens
from the North, we didn't jist see how that
little spirt wuz agoin to help us. Cincinnati went
Ablishin stronger than ever. Chicago ditto; and
most everywhere the Dimocratic rooster wuz flattened.
The cabinet, when they heerd uv Deekin
Pogram's assault upon the nigger, on the receet uv
the intelligence uv the election news, notified me

equivalent to a reseet uv my resignation, even tho
the post offis shood be discontinyood. “The nigger
vote must be capchered. It's essenshel. Wade
Hampton sez so,” wrote Randall to me, and I reprimanded
the Deekin for his recklessniss, and borrowed
four dollars uv Bascom, who is the only man
in the vicinity who hez any ready money, to make
it all right with him.
We held a meetin uv the Drecktors and Faculty
uv the Southern Military and Classicle Institoot last
evening, to decide wat course that instooshn wuz to
take in the grate work uv surroundin the Ethiopian
and attachin uv him to us. In sich a time ez this,
ez I menshend to Captain McPelter, it won't do for
our institooshuns uv learning to stand back. These
great levers, the molders uv public opinion, must
be ez progressive ez the progressiveist, and must
change like other things to meet the requirements
uv the times. We hev commenst our march into
Africa, and thus far hev we gone into the bowels
uv the land without impediment, to speak uv — let
us persevere. Let us capcher the Ethiopian, stink
and all.
The meetin wuz held in the back room uv Bascom's,
owing to the fact that it wuz rainin, and the

some time since from the Department for repairs;
but bein in doubt whether it wuz intended for repairs
on the Post Offis or the Postmaster, I gave
the prizner the benefit uv the doubt, and got a new
pair uv boots. I cood better endoor the slite inconvenience
uv occasional rain than to go barefoot.
I made a statement uv the case, and sejisted a
radical change in the Institoot. Captain McPelter
agreed with me. He felt that ther hedn't bin that
complete, hearty recognition uv our Afrikan brethren
as there ought to be. He had on several occasions
allowed his nateral vivacity to git the better
of his proodence, and hed waded into em alarmin.
The old ijee of Ham and Hagar and Onesimus hed
bin so drilled into him in his yooth, that he hed to
wrestle with it to keep it in control, and in spite uv
himself it often got the better uv him. He sejisted
that the name uv the Institoot be changed from
“The Southern Military and Classikle Institoot,”
to “The Ham and Japheth Free Academy for the
Development uv the Intellek uv all Races, irrespectiv
uv Color.”
That he thought would anser the required end.
The colored men who choose to avail theirselves of
the priviligis afforded by this institooshn, when it is

They are recognized. They are given the precedence.
They stand first in the matter and foremost.
Wat more kin they ask?
Bascom hed a series uv resolooshuns wich he
desired to present. He sed it mite be looked upon
ez strange that he shood favor the concentrashun
uv free niggers at the Corners, but he hed good and
suffishent reasons. First, he hed faith that constant
contact with the Board wood bring em to the pint
uv patronizin his bar; but ef it didn't, he knowd
perfectly well that the Board and Fakulty wood
manage to git all they hed, for board and tooition,
wich he was perfectly certin he'd git in the end.
Wat he wanted wuz people here: to yoose an
illustration borrered from his biznis, the offishels uv
this Institoot wuz the funnel through wich the
wealth uv all uv em wood be conducted to his coffers.
I fell onto his neck in rapcher, and then
vowed that I wuz willin to die for his good — that
I cared not how much uv other people's money run
through me to him ef 'twas thus dilooted. The
resolooshens presented read ez follows: —
“Resolved, That the name uv the Southern Military
and Classikle Institoot be changed to `The Ham

the Intelleck uv all Races, irrespective uv Color.'
“Resolved, That in makin this change, we, the
Board uv Directors, do so, assertin,
“1. That in this emergency we are justified in
doubtin whether Noer got tite at all, the statement
in the Skripters to that effect bein ondoubtedly an
error uv the translators.
“2. That ef he did git tite, he didn't cuss Ham
at all.
“3. That ef he did cuss Ham, the cuss wuzn't
intended to extend beyond Canaan at the furthest,
and hence his descendants go scot free.
“4. That ef the cuss wuz really and trooly intended
to attach to all uv Ham's descendents, irrespective
uv color, to the end uv time, it ain't uv no
effeck in Kentucky, ez that State hez allus run irrespective
uv any code, 'ceptin sich ez hez bin adopted
by her Legislacher.
“5. That the theory that the nigger, irrespective
uv color, is a beast, is a deloosion, a snare, which
we hev alluz practically held, no matter what we
may, for effect, hev sed, ez the number uv mulattoes,
to say nothin uv them still farther bleached in Kentucky,
abundantly proves.
“6. That the Ethiopian, irrespective uv color, is

also irrespective uv color, trooly a woman
and a sister.
“Resolved, That this Institoot, whose name is
now so happily changed, shel be conducted upon
the principles uv strict ekality, irrespective uv color.
“Resolved, That when we reflect that the bloated
aristocracy uv England interdoost, and the early
settlers of Massachoosets sankshund, slavery on this
continent, forcin it really onto us, we bile with
indignashun towards em, and kin hardly restrane
“Resolved, That at the tables, in the choice uv
rooms, and in all matters where there is a choice,
the African man and brother, irrespective uv color,
shel hev the precedence.
“Resolved, That Oberlin College, by not givin
the sons uv Ham, irrespective uv color, the precedence,
shows clearly that it is actooated by narrer-minded
prejudice, wich deserves the reprobashen uv
every lover uv his kind.
“Resolved, That the Ethiopian, irrespective uv
color, kin change his skin, and that his oder, ef he
hez any, is rather pleasant than otherwise.
“Resolved, That we look with loathing upon the
States North, wich, alluz professin friendship for

take him to their buzzums, irrespective uv color.
“Resolved, That ef Massachoosits and Vermont,
and Northern Illinois, and the Western Reserve in
Ohio, are honest in their professions uv love for the
negro, they will come down with donashuns to assist
in the completion uv the Academy.”
Deekin Pogram didn't know about all this. He
hed bin edikated in Ham and Hager, and wuz a
bleever in Onesimus. He doubted. Sposen after
all this concession the nigger shood play off onto
us? Sposen he shoodent vote with us after all, but
cling to his Northern friends? Or spose he shood
vote with us, and we shood, thro his vote, git control,
wat then? How cood we redoose em to ther
normal condition agin after all this palavrin?
Bascom replied that he wuz surprised at the Deekin's
obtoosnis. First, ef they did vote with the
Ablishnists, we wuz no worse off, ez that wuz wat
they proposed to do any how. Ef, on the other
hand, they didn't, what then? The trouble with
em now is, they know too much. “Let em,” sed
Bascom, warmin up, “let em associate with us a
year, let em vote with us, et cettry, and in twelve
months they're precisely fitted agin to be servance

Dimocrasy, and see to what we may hope to
bring these men in time.”
But little more bizness wuz transacted. Beverly
Nash, of South Caroliny, was unanimously called
to a Professorship; and a young gentleman uv
color, who, from his strong resemblance to Elder
Gavitt, ought to hev biznis capacity, wuz unanimously
elected a member of the Board. The yoonyun
is perfect. Ham and Japheth hev shaken hands,
and are embracin each other.
May prosperity attend the nupchels, and may the
isshoo be fortunate. I hev got over the disgust
attendant upon the fust chill, and am consekently
feelin well.
(Wich is Postmaster), and Professor in the Ham
and Japheth Free Academy for the Development
uv the Intelleck uv all Races, irrespective
of Color.
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