University of Virginia Library


The Rector reported that the Secretary had received a letter from Mr. C. O'Conor Goolrick expressing
his gratification for the action of the Board at its meeting on 20 February 1960 in which
the Board announced its intention of naming the contemplated building at Mary Washington College
to be used for Health and Physical Education purposes in honor of Mr. Goolrick. After the letter
from Mr. Goolrick, dated 7 March 1960, was read to the Board, the Secretary was instructed to
incorporate the letter in the permanent minutes of the Board. The letter is as follows:


The Rector and Board of Visitors
Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I was pleasantly surprised and greatly pleased when Dr. Simpson and
Mr. Woodward were good enough to call at my office one day last week and present to me the
letter and resolution of the Board informing me that the projected physical education
building at Mary Washington College was to bear my name.

I would like you to know that this action has given much pleasure to
my wife and she joins with me in expressing to every member of the Board, to Dr. Simpson
and to Mr. Woodward our deep appreciation for the honor which has been conferred

I have a deep interest in both the University and Mary Washington
College, and I have watched through the years the growth of the College with much pleasure,
and I feel that under the present administration its future is assured.

Sincerely yours,
/s/ C O'Conor Goolrick
C. O'Conor Goolrick