University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I would like to reply to Mr.
J. Arthur Gorham III, who
appears to be of the opinion
that his morality should be
thrust upon the entire
University community
because he considers it to be
right. What right has he to
decide whether or not two
young people should sleep
together? Who is he to say that
University coeds should not
have access to the pill? Since
when does the fact that some
couples cohabit and the fact
that there are many university
women who take the pill (not
necessarily all students, either
... or unmarried women, for
the matter) mean that the pill
is being distributed "willy
nilly", or that all students who
are using them (and/or
cohabiting) are
indiscriminately taking part in
sexual activities?

Also, Mr. Gorham, I would
like to point out that our
generation has not invented
anything new, and that in
every generation there are
those from the previous
generation who stand shake
their fingers and scream "Sin!
Sin!" at the young.

This country was founded
on the concept of individual
freedom and religious freedom,
and the right of each man to
do as he wishes as long as he
doesn't infringe on the rights
of others. Those students who
are "licentious" hurt no one
but themselves. How can they
touch your niece, for example?
If she really believes in her
code of reality, the actions
of other students will not
affect her.

As for the "mass
distribution" of the books and
films you mentioned, it is true
that there is much
pornography and otherwise
sexually oriented literature on
the market. But again, our
generation has invented
nothing new: your generation
had it, and so did the one
before it.

My roommates and I are not
familiar with any of the
books/films you mentioned, so
they could not be as widely
read as you implied. Because
some read them does not mean
all read them.

I do not consider society
debauched and those around
me licentious but then it is
indiscriminate sex I find
repulsive and degrading, not
sex in general. It is up to the
participants to make the
decision to bed or not to bed,
and no one else has any right
whatsoever to enter into the
question and attempt to force
their decision one way or the

Whether or not you or I
agree with their actions is
irrelevant, because they are
free to live as they like, just as
we are. It cannot be any other
way, or our society would not
be free.

Denise Gronewald
Engr 2