University of Virginia Library


Republication of the London Lancet, in
Monthly parts, per annum 
$5 00 
Magendie's Physiology  2 00 
Challey's Midwifery  2 00 
Hall's Principles of Diagnosis. 8vo  2 00 
Medicines, Uses and Administration  1 75 
Pereira on Food and Diet  1 00 
Becklard's Physiology  1 00 
Lever's Diseases of the Uterus  50 and 75 
Clater's Diseases of Horses  75 
Porneo Pathology  75 
Walker on Beauty, (plates)  50 
Brousais' Self Preservation  $0 50 
Childbirth without Pain  50 
Animal Mechanism. Griscom  44 
Chavasse's Advice to Mothers. 18mo  38 
Chavasse's Advice Wives. 18mo  38 
Abernethy's Family Physician  25 
Lord Bacon's Life and Death  25 
Mrs. Bardwell's Infant Treatment  25 
Hydropathy, or Water Cure  18¾ 
Curtis on the Sight  12½ 
Thermal Comfort  12½