University of Virginia Library

Sec. 14-a. Approval of public housing projects by council.

Before the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority
undertakes any public housing project within the city
it shall obtain the approval of the council on each construction
site, as hereinafter set forth. The application for approval
shall have a plat, certified by a registered surveyor
or engineer, or a plat prepared from the current city land
book showing city parcel numbers of the land concerned and
attested by the city assessor, attached to and made a part of
such application. The plat shall identify the proposed site
and show the proposed development of the site.

The council shall advertise for at least two weeks in a
newspaper published in the city that the authority has applied
for the approval of the council under this section and
shall give notice therein of the time and place for a hearing
on such request, which hearing shall be at least thirty days
from the date of the first advertisement. The council may approve
such application following such hearing. (1960, c. 230;
1962, c. 332; 1970, c. 93; 1973, c. 359.)

Effect of amendments.—The 1960 Act added this section.

The 1962 amendment completely rewrote the first paragraph of this
section and made numerous changes in the second paragraph.

The 1970 amendment added a sentence repealed by the 1973 amendment.

The 1973 amendment eliminated voter authority to petition for a
referendum on applications for approval of public housing projects.

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