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The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the following persons be and they are hereby elected Professors emeriti:
  • Mr. Alfred Chanutin, Professor of Biochemistry, who retires in June 1967 and has been on the staff of the University since 1923.
  • Mr. Charles O. Gregory, John B. Minor Professor of Law, who retires in August 1967 and has been on the staff of the University since 1949.
  • Mr. T. Cary Johnson, Jr., Professor of History, who retires in June 1967 and has been on the staff of the University since 1928.
  • Mr. S. Vernon McCasland, John B. Cary Professor of Religion, who retires in June 1967 and has been on the staff of the University since 1939.
  • Mr. Charles P. Nash, Jr., Professor of Law, who retires in June 1967 and has been on the staff of the University since 1927.
  • Dr. Oscar Swineford, Jr., Professor of Internal Medicine, who retires in June 1967 and has been on the staff of the University since 1928.
  • Dr. James E. Wood, Jr., Professor of Internal Medicine, who retires in June 1967 and has been on the staff of the University since 1923.