University of Virginia Library


The expenses for the session of upwards of ten months, (commencing
the 1st of September, and ending the 4th of July following,) are as follows:

Board, including bed and other room furniture, washing and
Fuel and candles, to be furnished by the Proctor, at cost, and
5 per cent. commission, estimated, if only one student in
the dormitory, at $30, if two students in the dormitory, at 
Rent of an entire dormitory $16; for half, if occupied by two
Use of the library and public rooms,  15 
Fees—if one Professor be attended, $50; if two, each $30;
if more than two, each $25—say, 
Total, exclusive of books and stationary, clothing and pocket money,  $238 

In addition to the regular fee, $20 is paid by students who attend the Senior
Class in the School of Law.

The fee for attending the class of Materia Medica in the School of Chemistry;
of Medical Jurisprudence in the School of Medicine; and of National
Law, Government and Constitutional Law, in the School of Law;
by those who do not attend those schools, is $15 each.

Ministers of the Gospel, and young men preparing for the ministry, may
attend any of the schools of the University, without payment of fees to the

Boarding-houses are provided within the precincts for the accommodation
of students; and no student is permitted to board or lodge out of the
precincts, unless in the family of his parent or guardian, or of some particular
friend, approved by the Faculty. Except, that students above the
age of twenty years may reside out of the precincts, in such private boarding-houses
as the Faculty may approve.

Every student resident within the precincts, is required, on matriculating,
to deposit with the Patron, all the money, checks, bills, drafts and aother
available funds, which he shall have in his possession, or under his control,
in any manner intended to defray his expenses while at the University,
or on his return from thence to his residence. Nor shall he matriculate,
till he shall have deposited a sum at least sufficient, after deducting the


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Patron's commission, (two per cent.) to pay for the use of his dormitory
and the public rooms, to pay the fees of the Professors whom he may design
to attend, to pay three months' board to his hotel-keeper, to purchase
the text-books and stationary which he may want at the commencement,
and twenty dollars on account of fuel and candles, and ten dollars to cover
contingent charges and assessments against him for injuries to the buildings,
&c., which two last mentioned sums are credited in the final settlement
of his accounts. In like manner he shall deposit with the Patron all
the funds which he shall receive while a student of the University, for the
purpose aforesaid. At the end of the first three months of the session, he
shall deposit enough to pay his board and other expenses for the next three
motnhs; and at the expiration of the second period of three months, he
shall deposit enough to pay his broad and other expenses for the residue
of the session.

Students resident out of the University, are required, on matriculating,
to deposit with the Patron funds sufficient, after deducting the Patron's
commission, to pay the fees of Professors whom they may propose to attend,
the sum charged for the use of the public rooms, and ten dollars to
cover contingent charges.

The expenses of the students resident in the University, are limited as
follows: for board, the use of dormitory and public rooms, and tuition fees,
the sums before stated; for clothing during the session, not exceeding a
hundred dollars; for pocket money during the session, a sum not exceeding
forty dollars; for books or stationary, whatever the parent or guardian
may think fit to allow; for medicine and medical attendance whatever may
be necessary. These limits are in no case to be exceeded, unless under
special circumstances, the Faculty shall allow it.

The Act of the Legislature prohibiting merchants and others, under severe
penalties, from crediting students, is here strictly enforced. The license
to contract debts, which the Chairman is authorised to grant, is confined (except
where the parent or guardian otherwise in writing, requests,) to cases
of urgent necessity; and these, it is hoped that parents and guardians
will, as far as possible, prevent from arising, by the timely supply of the
requisite funds.

Students wherever resident are required to wear the uniform prescribed
by the enactments; consisting of cloth of dark gray mixture, at a price
not exceeding six dollars a yard.

The Faculty at their discretion, may allow any man, of undoubted moral
character, above the age of twenty-three years, to attend lectures in any
of the schools of the University, and to reside out of the precincts, exempt
from the rules and regulations prescribed for the government of students;
except only, that he shall pay the usual Professors' fees, and the usual
compensation for the use of the public rooms, and shall observe all those
laws of the Institution which enjoin respectful and orderly deportment.—
But the privilege so allowed may be withdrawn by the Faculty, at any
time, when in their opinion it has been used to the evil example of the
students, or otherwise to the injury of the Institution.

At the end of every month, a circular letter is addressed by the Chairman
of the Faculty to the parent or guardian of each student, in which are
stated his absences from the lectures he was bound to attend, and any other


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irregularities of which he may be guilty that month; together with
such information as to the student's progress and conduct as it may be
deemed proper to communicate.

Divine service is performed at the University every Sunday, by the
Chaplain, who is appointed in turn from the four principal religious denominations
of the State.