University of Virginia Library


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Payment of Fees.—All university charges and rent of rooms in the
university buildings are payable upon entrance. Under special conditions
the President is authorized to allow credit, but deferred payments are in
all cases to be properly secured. Students permitted to register during a
term are required to pay the full fees for that term.

Return of Fees.—Under no circumstances will there be a return of
fees except upon certificate from the University Physician that withdrawal
from the University is necessary on account of ill health, which must not
be due to dissolute conduct. Upon receipt of the University Physician's
certificate, the President will return the fees pro rata.

Remission of Fees is made in the following cases:

(1) In accordance with the statute (Virginia Code 1887, Ch. 68, Sec.
1554), fees are remitted to Virginia students as detailed below under University
Charges. In order to be considered a Virginia student, it is necessary
that the applicant's parents be domiciled in the State if he be under
twenty-one years of age; if he has attained his majority, it is necessary
that he himself be domiciled here. One is domiciled in the State who is
living in it at the time the application is made and has no intention of removing
therefrom in the future, or who, though absent from the State,
has not lost his former domicile by acquiring one elsewhere. No other
person can honestly avail himself of this privilege.

(2) White male teachers and superintendents of the public schools of
Virginia will be admitted, during the last three months of the session, to
the Academic Schools of the University without payment of fees (except
those charged in laboratory courses), upon presentation of certificates that
they have been teachers in the public schools of the State during the year.
Applicants for admission as teachers are required to send in their names
to the President of the University not later than March 5.

(3) Ministers of religion may attend any of the Academic Schools of
the University without payment of the tuition fee. The same privilege will
be extended to any young man who submits testimonials that he is an approved
candidate for the ministry, and unable to meet without aid the
expense of an education.