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Medical Attendance.—Any student who is temporarily ill from causes
not due to his own misconduct, is entitled, without charge, to all necessary
medical advice from the University Physician; and, if necessary, to nursing
in the University Hospital at a reasonable charge for his maintenance while
there. This exemption from charge does not apply to cases requiring surgical
operation, treatment of the eye, ear, nose, and throat, or to constitutional
disorders from which the student in question was suffering at the
time of his coming to the University. Nor is the University responsible for
the expense incurred through the employment of private nurses, necessitated
by severe illness of students, or through the maintenance of quarantine
precautions in contagious cases. Students who take the responsibility
of boarding at houses not approved by the Board of Health forfeit the right
of medical attendance. Any student sent to the University Hospital by
the advice and under the care of a physician other than the University Physician
will be required to pay the regular hospital charges for private patients.

Physical Training.—No student is permitted to undertake an amount
of work greater than he may reasonably be expected to carry without
detriment to his health; and every student is advised to take a due amount
of daily outdoor exercise, for which ample opportunities are afforded by the
athletic fields, the tennis courts, the golf course, and elsewhere; and, in addition,
to make systematic use of the facilities afforded without cost for definite
and judicious physical training at the Fayerweather Gymnasium under the
advice and instruction of the director and his assistants. Further information
upon this important subject will be found upon page 247.