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[1] FRANCIS HENRY SMITH, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D.  Emeritus Professor of Natural Philosophy 
WILLIAM MYNN THORNTON, B.A., LL.D.  Professor of Applied Mathematics 
WILLIAM MINOR LILE, LL.B., LL.D.  James Madison Professor of Law 
WILLIAM HOLDING ECHOLS, B.S., C.E.  Professor of Mathematics 
RICHARD HEATH DABNEY, M.A., Ph.D.  Corcoran Professor of History 
CHARLES ALFRED GRAVES, M.A., LL.B., LL.D.  Professor of Law 
JOHN STAIGE DAVIS, M.A., M.D.  Professor of Practice of Medicine 
RICHARD HENRY WILSON, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Romanic Languages 
JAMES MORRIS PAGE, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Professor of Mathematics 
THOMAS FITZHUGH, M.A.  Professor of Latin 
WILLIAM ALEXANDER LAMBETH, M.D., Ph.D.  Professor of Hygiene 
ALBERT LEFEVRE, Ph.D., LL.D.  Corcoran Professor of Philosophy 
STEPHEN HURT WATTS, M.A., M.D.  Professor of Surgery and Gynecology 
ROBERT MONTGOMERY BIRD, Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
HALSTEAD SHIPMAN HEDGES, M.A., M.D.  Professor of Diseases of the Eye 
HARRY TAYLOR MARSHALL, B.A., M.D.  Walter Reed Professor of Pathology 
WILLIAM MENTZEL FORREST, B.A.  John B. Cary Memorial Professor of Biblical History and Literature 
ARMISTEAD MASON DOBIE, M.A., LL.B., S.J.D.  Professor of Law 
WILLIAM HARRISON FAULKNER, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Germanic Languages 
JOHN LLOYD NEWCOMB, B.A., C.E.  Professor of Civil Engineering 
JAMES CARROLL FLIPPIN, M.D.  Professor of Clinical Medicine 
HARVEY ERNEST JORDAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Histology and Embryology 
CHARLES GILMORE MAPHIS, Ped.D., LL.D.  Professor of Education 
ROBERT HENNING WEBB, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Greek 
SAMUEL ALFRED MITCHELL, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Leander McCormick Observatory 
IVEY FOREMAN LEWIS, M.S., Ph.D  Miller Professor of Biology and Agriculture 
GEORGE BOARDMAN EAGER, JR., B.A., LL.B.  Professor of Law 
LLEWELLYN GRIFFITH HOXTON, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Physics 
ROBERT BENNETT BEAN, B.S., M.D.  Professor of Anatomy 
JOHN LEVI MANAHAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Educational Administration 
WALTER SHELDON RODMAN, M.S.  Professor of Electrical Engineering 
JAMES ALEXANDER WADDELL, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Pharmacology, Materia Medica and Toxicology 
WILLIAM ALLISON KEPNER, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Biology 
JOHN CALVIN METCALF, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D.  Linden Kent Memorial Professor of English Literature 
GEORGE OSCAR FERGUSON, JR., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Psychology and Education 
WILLIAM ROYALL SMITHEY, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Secondary Education 
JAMES SOUTHALL WILSON, M.A., Ph.D.  Edgar Allan Poe Professor of English 
ALBERT GEORGE ADAM BALZ, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Philosophy 
CARROLL MASON SPARROW, Ph.D.  Professor of Physics 
ARTHUR FICKENSCHER, Diploma, Royal Conservatory of Munich.  Professor of Music 
JOHN JENNINGS LUCK, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Mathematics 
WILSON GEE, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Rural Economics and Rural Sociology 
LAWRENCE THOMAS ROYSTER, M.D.  Professor of Pediatrics 
CHAPIN JONES, B.A., M.F.  Professor of Forestry 
TIPTON RAY SNAVELY, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Economics 
LEROY ADELBERT CALKINS, M.S., M.D., Ph.D.  Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology 
HAROLD HOPKINS NEFF, M.A., LL.B.  Professor of Law 
WILBUR ARMISTEAD NELSON, M.A.  Professor of Geology 
WILLIAM HALL GOODWIN, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Surgery and Gynecology 
JOHN HENRY NEFF, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Urology 
GARDNER LLOYD CARTER, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
JAMES COOK BARDIN, M.D.  Professor of Romanic Languages 
ALBERT JULIUS BARLOW, B.A., C.P.A.  Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
BRUCE WILLIAMS, Ph.D.  Professor of Political Science 
[2] ABRAHAM BERGLUND, Ph.D.  Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
ATCHESON LAUGHLIN HENCH, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of English 
ELBERT ALVIS KINCAID, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
DUMAS MALONE, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of History 
ROBERT KENT GOOCH, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Political Science 
W. PATTON GRAHAM, M.A.  Professor of Romanic Languages 
FRANCIS HARRIS ABBOT, M.A.  Professor of French 
JOSEPH KENT ROBERTS, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Geology 
ALFRED LAWRENCE KOCHER, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Art and Architecture 
FLOYD NELSON HOUSE, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Sociology 
HOMER WILLIAM SMITH, Ph.D.  Acting Professor of Physiology 
HERMAN PATRICK JOHNSON, M.A., Ph.M.  Associate Professor of English Literature 
CHARLES WAKEFIELD PAUL  Associate Professor of Public Speaking 
WILLIAM EDWARD BRAY, B.A., M.D.  Associate Professor of Clinical Diagnosis and Director of Clinical Laboratories 
CHARLES POLLARD OLIVIER, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Astronomy 
CARL CASKEY SPEIDEL, Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Anatomy 
JOHN HOWE YOE, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Chemistry 
[2] ROBERT NORTON PEASE, Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Chemistry 
WILLIAM SUMNER APPLETON POTT, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Philosophy 
FREDERICK DEANE GOODWIN RIBBLE, M.A., LL.B.  Associate Professor of Law 
ALFRED CHANUTIN, Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Biochemistry 
[3] GEORGE BRIGHT YOUNG, M.D.  Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine 
EDWARD WATTS SAUNDERS, JR., C.E.  Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics 
WILLIAM EDWARD KNIGHT, M.E.  Associate Professor of Romanic Languages 
LINWOOD LEHMAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Romanic Languages and Latin 
JAMES ERNEST KINDRED, Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Histology and Embryology 
ARTHUR FRANCIS MACCONOCHIE, B.S.c. (Engrg.) London  Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 
FREDERICK LYONS BROWN, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Physics 
HARRY ROGERS PRATT  Associate Professor of Music 
BEN-ZION LINFIELD, M.S., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Mathematics 
GEORGE BASKERVILLE ZEHMER, M.A.  Associate Professor of Education 
FRANK BANE, B.A.  Associate Professor of Applied Sociology 
LYNN RAMSAY EDMINSTER, B.A.  Acting Associate Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
JAMES SHANNON MILLER, JR., B.S., E.E.  Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering 
STANISLAW JOHN MAKIELSKI, B.S. in Arch.  Assistant Professor of Art and Architecture 
ARMISTEAD CHURCHILL GORDON, JR., M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of English 
ISAAC ALEXANDER BIGGER, JR., M.D.  Assistant Professor of Surgery 
WILLIAM EDWARD BROWN, M.D.  Assistant Professor of Phthisiotherapy 
CHARLES HENDERSON, E.E.  Assistant Professor of Experimental Engineering 
FRANK STRINGFELLOW BARR, M.A.  Assistant Professor of History 
BRUCE DODSON REYNOLDS, Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Zoölogy 
PAUL OTTO, B.P.E., M.P.E.  Assistant Professor of Physical Education 
DUDLEY CROFFORD SMITH, B.S., M.D.  Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology 
ALLEN FISKE VOSHELL, B.S., M.D.  Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery 
ARTHUR KYLE DAVIS, JR., M.A., B.Litt., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of English 
ARTHUR FERGUSON BENTON, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
EVERETT SHOVELTON SANDERSON, M.S., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Bacteriology 
GEORGE TALMAGE STARNES, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
JOSEPH RUSSELL BRANHAM, M.S., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
LAWRENCE THEODORE LUDWIG  Assistant Professor of Physical Education 
CHARLES NEWTON HULVEY, M.S., LL.B.  Assistant Professor of Commercial Law 
ARTHUR AUGUST PEGAU, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Geology 
LUTHER C. GILBERT, M.S.  Assistant Professor of Education 
FLETCHER DRUMMOND WOODWARD, M.D.  Assistant Professor of Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat 
VINCENT WILLIAM ARCHER, B.A., M.D.  Assistant Professor in Roentgenology 
HENRY BEARDEN MULHOLLAND, M.D.  Assistant Professor of Medicine 
[2] JAMES EDWIN WOOD, JR., M.D.  Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine 
HARRY STEPHENS LADD, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Geology 
JOSEPH CLIFTON ELGIN, Ch.E., M.S.  Acting Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
EDWIN MORRIS BETTS, M.S.  Acting Assistant Professor of Biology 
[1] ORMOND STONE, M.A.  Professor of Practical Astronomy, Retired 
[1] MILTON WYLIE HUMPHREYS, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Professor of Greek, Retired 
[4] ALBERT HENRY TUTTLE, M.S.  Miller Professor of Biology and Agriculture, Retired 
[1] FRANCIS PERRY DUNNINGTON, C.E., M.E.  Professor of Analytical and Industrial Chemistry, Retired 
[1] HOWARD WINSTON, C.E.  Registrar, Retired 
FRANK WILLIAM HOFFER, M.A.  Associate Research Professor of Public Welfare 
WILLIAM HENRY STOUFFER, M.A., Ph.D.  Research Associate in Economics 
LESTER J. CAPPON, M.A.  Research Associate in History 
JOHN JAY CORSON, 3rd, B.S.  Research Assistant in Economics 




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HENRY GRADY ACKER, M.S.  Instructor in Education 
NICHOLAS FLOYD ADAMS, JR., B.S., M.D.  Instructor in Anatomy 
JAMES PORTER BAKER, JR., B.S.  Instructor in Physical Training 
SAM HAYES CONNER, B.S., M.D.  Instructor in Pathology 
WINFIELD LeROY CORRON  Instructor in Latin 
THOMAS FINLEY DEBNAM, B.S. in Com.  Instructor in Accounting 
LANCELOT LONGSTREET MINOR DENT, M.A.  Instructor in Philosophy 
MAJL EWING, B.A.  Instructor in English Literature 
WILFRED LACY GOODWYN, JR.  Instructor in Economic Geography 
RACHEL ELIZABETH GREGG, M.A.  Instructor in Citizenship 
EDWARD WADSWORTH GREGORY, JR., M.A.  Instructor in Education 
DAVID RICE GROOME, B.S.  Instructor in Spanish 
ELIZABETH JEFFRIES HEINRICH, B.A.  Instructor in Citizenship 
ROBERT LEE HINDS, M.S.  Instructor in Economics 
ROBERT NOBLE HOSKINS, B.S.  Instructor in Physical Training 
ELDRED SIMPKINS JONES, M.D.  Instructor in Surgery 
MAURY STAFFORD KNOWLTON  Instructor in Spanish 
WARREN WOMACK KOONTZ, M.A., M.D.  Instructor in Internal Medicine 
CHARLES ROZIER LARKIN, M.A.  Instructor in Mathematics 
THOMAS ATKINSON McEACHERN, JR., B.A.  Instructor in Spanish 
MALCOLM LORIMER MacLEOD  Instructor in English Literature 
COURTNEY ROLLER MAUZY  Instructor in Spanish 
JOSEPH MUIR MERCER  Instructor in Spanish 
FRANZ KARL MOHR, M.A., Dr. Jur.  Instructor in Germanic Languages 
ISAAC TAYLOR MUSSER, JR., M.S.  Instructor in Economics 
RAY JACKSON NEFF, B.A., M.D.  Instructor in Urology 
DOROTHY MACOMBER NELSON, M.A.  Instructor in Sociology 
LEHMAN PATTON NICKELL, M.S.  Instructor in Rural Economics, Rural Sociology and Economic Geography 
DANIEL MALLORY PRINCE, M.D.  Instructor in Surgery 
CHARLES HENRY ROSS  Instructor in Spanish 
FLOYD FRANK SWERTFEGER, M.S.  Instructor in Philosophy and Psychology 
HORACE ARGYLE TEASS, M.S.  Instructor in Economics 
RALPH RUDOLPH THOMPSON, B.A.  Instructor in Latin 
PIET VAN de KAMP, Astr. Doctr.  Instructor in Astronomy 
JOHN VICTOR VAUGHEN, B.A.  Instructor in Chemistry 
EARL GREGORY VON STORCH, B.S.  Instructor in Art and Architecture 
ALEXANDER VYSSOTSKY, Diploma First Grade  Instructor in Astronomy 
WILLIAM WIRT WADDELL, JR., M.D.  Instructor in Pediatrics 
CHARLES G. WALTERS  Instructor in Economic Geography 
JAMES HENRY WEBB, JR.  Instructor in Spanish 
FONTAINE ALLEN WELLS, B.S.  Instructor in Mathematics 
WINSTON WILKINSON  Instructor in Music 
CHESTER RANDOLPH WILSON, B.A.  Instructor in English 


Preston Banks Carwile, M.A.  Physics 
James Marshall Cole, B.S.  Chemistry 
Raymond Dean Cool, M.S.  Chemistry 
Thomas Finley Debnam, B.S. in Com.  Commerce and Business Administration 
Harold Bertrand Friedman, B.A.  Chemistry 
Carroll Wardlaw Griffin, M.S.  Chemistry 
Edward Franklin Hubbard, B.S.  Chemistry 
Edwin Carlyle Markham, B.A. (Dupont Fellow)  Chemistry 
Isaac Taylor Musser, Jr., M.S.  Economics 
Horace Hewell Roseberry, B.S.  Physics 
Waddy Davis Street, M.A.  Physics 
Whiting Faulkner Young, M.A.  Chemistry 


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James Robert Adams  Pharmacology and Materia Medica 
Lemuel Emil Altschul, B.S.  Accounting 
George Murphy Armistead  Logic 
Maurice Dunbar Ashbury  Greek 
Joseph George Bariesas  English Literature 
Charles Edward Bass  Geology 
Earl Saunders Belote  Spanish 
William Govan Brown, Jr.  Engineering 
Paul Randolph Burch, B.S.  Biology 
John Alfred Calhoun, Jr., B.A.  Pharmacology and Materia Medica 
John Dabney Carr, B.A.  Law 
Francisco DePaula Carral  Spanish 
Lois Corinne Ketcham Carwile, M.S.  Physics 
Thomas Sterling Claiborne  Chemistry 
John Jay Corson, III, B.S.  Research in Economics 
Samuel Marshall Davenport, B.S.  Clinical Diagnosis 
Joseph Claiborne Davis, II  Spanish 
Hardy Cross Dillard  Commercial Law 
Marcus Walthall Dinwiddie  Chemistry 
Alexander Harrow Dunlap  Engineering 
Robert Lewis Echols  Mathematics 
Louis Henry Edmunds, B.A.  Pharmacology and Materia Medica 
Oscar Garth Fitzhugh  Chemistry 
Wesley Fry  Biology 
Charles Lucian Gleaves, B.S.  Mathematics 
James Montrose Graham, Jr.  Engineering 
Joseph Brown Graham, B.S.  Pharmacology and Materia Medica 
Joseph Warren Gray  Economic Geography 
John Monroe Green  Anatomy 
Loren Pritchard Guy, B.S., M.S.  Histology and Embryology 
Charles Dorsey Harmon  Mathematics 
Lauffer Truby Hayes, B.S.  French 
John Overton Henderson  French 
Jed Hotchkiss Irvine, B.A.  Anatomy 
Edmund Ruffin Jones, Jr.  Biology 
William Riely Jordan, B.S.  Physiology and Anatomy 
John Lyttleton Justice  Chemistry 
Robert Leonard King  Clinical Diagnosis 
George Gaines Leckie  English 
Robert Erwin Lee, Jr.  Engineering 
Richard Sale Leftwich, B.A.  Law and Mathematics 
James Lynn Long  Anatomy 
William Stapleton Long, M.A.  English 
Donald Grant MacDonald  Engineering 
Robert Armstrong McKenney, B.A.  Law 
Francis Elliott Hall McLean, M.S.  Biblical History and Literature 
Stephen Nicholas Moore, E.E.  Physics 
Joseph Ryland Mundie, M.S.  Biology 
Rogelio Navarro  Spanish 
Kinloch Nelson, B.A.  Sanitation 
John William Nuttycombe  Biology 
Horatio Maxwell Parker  Law 
Ovid Stephen Petrescu  Engineering 
John Henry Phillips  Engineering 
Walter Lee Phillips, Jr.  Engineering 
Frank Coulson Pinkerton  Physiology 
Alfred Buckner Pittman, Jr.  Political Science 
Fred Hundley Quarles, Jr., B.A.  Political Science 
Lawrence Reginald Quarles  Engineering 
Robert Ranlet, Jr.  French 
Charles Boogher Reed  Geology and Physics 
John Ritchie, III, B.S.  Political Science and Law 
John Maxwell Robeson  Biology 
William Minor Lile Rogers  Physics 
Lee Winfree Ryan, B.S.  French 
William Pendleton Sandridge, B.S.  Public Speaking 
Charles Linwood Savage  Anatomy 
Edward Worthington Selden  Engineering 
Howard Halley Shockey  Chemistry 
Ewing Gordon Simpson, E.E.  Engineering and Economics 
Willard Edward Stainback  Art and Architecture 
Edward Carl Stevenson  Mathematics 
George Webster Struthers  Chemistry 
Albert Rhett Stuart  Biology 
Robert Catesby Taliaferro  French 
Frank Fitzgerald Thweatt, B.S.  Pharmacology and Materia Medica 
Tench Francis Tilghman, Jr.  English 
Joseph Lee Vaughan, B.A.  English 
Thomas Leonard Watson, Jr., B.S.  Biology 
Henry Davis Weed, Jr.  French 
George Macduff Weems, B.S. in Com.  Economic Geography 
Thomas Aubrey White  Chemistry 
James Harvie Wilkinson, Jr.  English Literature 
Archer Anderson Williams  English Literature 
Toy Wood, B.A.  French 
Edward Reid Woolfolk, B.S.  Geology 


Page 28


Session 1926-27.

(The President is ex officio member of all Committees.)

Academic Legislation  Page, Lefevre, Faulkner, Ferguson, Sparrow,
Maphis, Kincaid, Lewis, Davis,
A. K. 
Advertising  Smithey, Page, Wranek 
Appointments  Manahan, Smithey, Gilbert, Metcalf 
Athletics  Ferguson, Neff, J. H., Luck 
Blandy Farm School  Reynolds, Newcomb, Lewis, Jones 
Catalogue  Johnson, Lile, Speidel, Rodman, Kocher,
Dean of Women, Registrar
Cemetery  Dunnington, Carruthers, Metcalf 
Clocks and Bells  Brown 
Entrance Requirements  Page, Faulkner, Webb, Ferguson 
Extension  Zehner, Maphis, Voshell, Manahan, Gee, Bane 
Fire Protection  Macconochie, Lambeth 
General Lectures  Williams, Gooch, Wilson, J. S. 
Hospital Executive Committee  President ex officio, Hornsby ex officio,
Flippin, Neff, J. H., Royster, Bray, Smith, D. C. 
Library  Metcalf, Thornton, Dobie, Jordan, Malone,
Sparrow, House
Public Celebrations  Luck, Lefevre, Dobie, Mitchell, Pratt,
Publicity  Dobie, Gee, Wranek 
Religious Exercises and Y. M. C. A.  Forrest, Kepner, Balz 
Research Committee  Lewis, Mitchell, Hoxton, Metcalf, Jordan,
Gooch, Balz, Benton, Chanutin, Linfield
Rhodes Scholarship  Gooch, Faulkner, FitzHugh, Wilson,
J. S., Barr, Davis,
A. K. 
Rules and Courses: 
For the College  Page, Webb, Kepner, Ferguson 
For the Graduate Department  Metcalf, Malone, Mitchell,
Simpson, Manahan
For the Medical Department  Flippin, Jordan, Goodwin, Royster 
Schedule and Classroom Assignments  Barlow, Knight, Brown 
Student Activities  Jordan, Carter, Gooch
Pratt, Gordon, Ribble
Summer Quarter  Maphis, Metcalf, Page,
Gee, Forrest
Summer Quarter College Degrees  Smithey, Ferguson,
Carter, Snavely
Summer Quarter Graduate Degrees  Faulkner, Metcalf, Kepner 
Universityy Hour  Pott, Balz, Williams, Saunders,
(Student to be selected by Committee) 
Virginia Quarterly Review  President ex officio, Wilson, J.S.,
Metcalf, Lefevre, Hench, Barr, Balz, Sparrow

On the Carnegie Foundation.


Absent on leave, 1926-1927.


Director Joint Public Health Department of Charlottesville, Albemarle County and University
of Virginia.


Died January 23, 1927.