University of Virginia Library


Astronomy 1. The Earth.—8:30; P. L. Upper Floor. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Moulton's Introduction to Astronomy, Chapters I to VI. Covers the work of the
fall term of Astronomy B, regular session.

Astronomy 2. The Solar System.—9:30; P. L. Upper Floor. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Moulton's Introduction to Astronomy, Chapters VII to X. Covers the winter
term of Astronomy B1, regular session.

Astronomy 3. The Sun and Stars.—9:30; P. L. Upper Floor. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Moulton's Introduction to Astronomy, Chapters XI to end. Covers the spring
term of Astronomy B1, regular session.

Note.—Course 1 will be offered in 1919, and either Course 2 or 3, according to the
demand. If a sufficient number of students desire it, both 2 and 3 may be given.
If only two courses are offered, the third may be taken in regular session or in another
summer term.

Each Monday and Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, if the weather is clear, parties
will be conducted by Mr. Graham from Cabell Hall to McCormick Observatory for
observation through the large telescope.