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By faith we now the cloud look through,
With bless'd anticipating view
Of brighter days behind;
When Jesus, making wars to cease,
Brings in an everlasting peace,
To us and all mankind.
Dispersing the' infernal gloom
His kingdom shall as lightning come,
And shine from east to west;
The trumpet of the gospel word
Shall then announce our glorious Lord,
And lull the world to rest.


The savage tribes, an injured race,
Americans shall then embrace
A God so long unknown.
The servile progeny of Ham
Shall prostrated at Jesu's name
Their dear Redeemer own.
The Crescent to the Cross shall yield,
The Turks and Heathens be compell'd
Their Sovereign to confess,
And Jews who pierced His hands and side,
Discern Jehovah crucified,
Their true Messiah bless.
Then all religious Babels cease,
And all into the kingdom press,
Of God reveal'd below;
And fountains open'd from above,
In streams of pure celestial love,
The new-made earth o'erflow.
O who, when God doth this, shall live?
The man that dares the truth receive,
The promise made to me,
Who trust to stand in that great day,
When Christ His glory shall display,
And God for ever see!