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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Secundo in [l]inguis [ig]neis.
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Secundo in [l]inguis [ig]neis.

þo secunde maner send he was
In tongues of fir, as rede we,
of quiche sendyng for our solas
takes now hede to poyntes thre.
ffyrst is for to wete her
In tonges of fir quy he was sent,
Tho secunde quy in þat mater
mor þen oþer elyment,
Þo thrid quy þat in tonge come he
mor þen in membres oþer moo
declar I will, as ȝe schyn see,
bot fyrst to brennyng tonges go.
ffor thre causes he con Aper
in brennyng tonges vs to teche,
þo fyrst þat suche as brennyng wer,
brennyng wordes shulden preche.
Tho second, for þai shulden also
preche of brennyng lawe of londe,
Saynt Bernarde spekes of þes too
ffrom bale to put hor hertes of bonde.

Bernardus: Venit spiritus sanctus in linguis igneis, vt linguis omnium gencium verba ignea loquerentur, & legem igneam lingue ignee predicarent, &c.

He sayd, ‘þo Holy Gost come doun
with tonges of fir, þat with þo speche
of all maner nacioun
he myȝt be our lyues leche.
‘And with þos langayges ay be boun
& tonges of fir synneles to [pr]eche
be preued predicacioun,
And langayge schuld not be to seche.’


Þus with all tonges preched was
wordes of fir all fully,
queche fir of þo Holy Gostes gras
sadde luf & tru may signefy.
ffor no thyng may lykened be
so wele to fir as sadde luff may,
ffor þer-as sadly rotes he,
As fir hit brennes in gode fay.
Tho thrid cause quy he come so
In tonges of fir may wele be this,
þat þai shulde bothe one & moo
to preche þo faithe nothyng Amys,
Be þo Holy Gost wele þoo
þat verray faithe bothe wos & is,
& noȝt to drede þo deuell our foo
to faile in hit be no fayntise,
& þat þai shuld suppose no way
be hom-selffe þat vertu was,
bot Goddis gost in hom verray
wroȝt all hor crafte in hor caas,
& also þat all men shulden knawe
þat Goddes gost wos in hom pitte,
ffor boute seche sleght for to schawe
to meene wos any monnes wytte.