University of Virginia Library



Sing on! I love that olden lay,
Though mournful are the notes and wild,
It drives the haunting fiend away—
It thrilled me when a child.
Long buried gold the past reveals—
Charmed by the magic of that strain,
My weary heart refreshment feels,
And I am young again.
Sing on! the land of shadows now
Hath raised its curtain dark and dim,
Back comes my sire with furrowed brow,
That smile belongs to him.
Each old, familiar word invokes
The phantoms of the pictured past,
And sighing through ancestral oaks,
I hear the midnight blast.
Sing on! for, borne on music's tide,
My soul floats back to other days—
From dust rise up the true and tried
To greet my yearning gaze:
And she, meek violet that grew
In rosy boyhood's Eden lost,
Springs up as if her eye of blue
Had never known the frost.
Sing on! sing on, entranced I hear,
While bloom once more earth's perished flowers;—
A mother warbled in mine ear
That song in other hours;
And when the sad refrain is breathed,
Her gentle spirit hovers nigh—
Fond arms are round the wanderer wreathed,
Kind voices make reply.