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386-387-388: Chemical Engineering Research:

This course is designed for candidates for the Ch. E. degree and affords
an introduction to research methods. Fundamental problems will be selected for
study whenever possible from the field in which the student is particularly interested,
or from fields which are of importance in representative chemical industries
of the State, such as Rayon and Nitro-cellulose, Nitrogen Fixation,
Paper and Heavy Chemicals. The method of attack in general will be to reduce
the selected problem to laboratory scale leading to the collection of basic data
susceptible of definite interpretation, rather than to attempt special investigations
on semi-plant equipment which usually leads to merely empirical data. The use
of the chemical literature as an aid in conducting investigations accompanies
the laboratory work, as well as practice in the mathematical and graphical treatment
of the data obtained. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

Advanced Courses: A number of advanced courses in Chemistry, not
listed above, are described in the catalogue of the College. When time permits,
students in Chemical Engineering, who are properly prepared, may take such of
these courses as are approved by the Faculty of Engineering.

The Chemical Journal Club will meet once a week (hour to be arranged)
for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest in current
chemical literature and of such chemical researches as are in progress in the


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University. All members of the teaching staff and advanced students in chemistry
are expected to participate in these meetings and to take part in the discussions.