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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Yssay: Plenus sum & ideo holocausta, &c.

And þat schwed wele be one thyng
þat þo Apostels vseden her
After þo Holy Gost comyng
quyll þat þai to-geder wer,


ffor nothyng propre haden þai,
of all þat euer hom geuen was
In comune dalt was day for day,
none calles his of þat he has.

Nullus suum Aliquid esse dicebat set erant illis omnia communia, &c.

Tho thrid thyng of fulnes was,
ȝif A vessell so full be
þat hit go ouer, ȝe sene wele this,
þer semes shulde be full plente;
So þo Apostels holy lor
ouer schedde, & þer-of oþer token,
ffor mony one þat leueden not befor
folweden hom & filthe for-soken,
ffor Petre preched þat ilke day
& conuerted, leue ȝe me,
thre thowsand & moo to þo fay,
In holy writte as rede we.
Þerfor þo Holy Gost wele may
to A water likened be
þat out of paradise rennes ay,
Fisoun one of faur is he,
þen that water has þis kynde
certayne tymes of þo ȝer,
iche londe befor & behynde
to ouer-flete hom all in fer,
& with þat flode, as I fynde,
ffrutes springen fer & ner,
So don þo frutes in monnes mynd
be Goddes gost in gode maner.

Ecclesiastice xxiijjto: Qui impletus est Phisyn sapiencie. [&] s[i]c[ut].