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The Shine of Divine Efficiency.
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The Shine of Divine Efficiency.

Divine Efficiency puts up her Head
In glorious Shew through this Whole Century.
And in her Folds rich Justice Cherished
Comes Sparkling forth, that all men may it eye.
Some Instances hereof I now shall name.
That God may have the Honour of the same.


A blazing Star in May did go before

Greate Slaughter made in Italy.


Lewis beates Berengary, he more ore
Beats Lewis: takes and puteth out his eyes.


Another Shines more red than usually.

Great Inundations flow in Saxony.
Now Fiery Faggots Sparkling Wandring Stars
In divers places peare. The Saxon realm
Devoures the Franks. And the Hungarian jars
Wast Italy. Where treason gat at helm.
To Lewis Emperour a monstrous thing,
Like to a man with a Dogs head they bring.


In the reign of Lewis Son to Charles the Foole,

An army in the aire of burning men
Were fighting seen and killing oh! strange rule
And noise of men and troops were heard too then.
Treachery in France ensu'd: and Famine found
Corn by the Sestarce fetcht twenty four pound.


Soon after this it rained blood, they say

At Genua flows a Well Spring of blood
The Saracens the Citty wast did lay


The Sun too in a bright Sky bloody stood,

Its beams through windows such, and many dayes
Bloods seen to flow out of the Sun, like rayes[.]


A Comet in November Shines. And soon

Greate Inundations and mortality.


An Earth Quake now, and Sun eclipst is shewn

A fiery Comet hangs ore Italy.
A dismall famine follow'd and in France
Famin and War the following yeare made prance.


An hard and Snowy Winter now did come.

The entrance of November led untill
The tenth of March in Poland. And a Stone
Or thunder bold the thundering Clouds did spill
Like to a Mass of red hot iron most vast,
Amazing the beholders as it passt.
The Earth in France, and Germany doth dance
And many temples overturn thereby.


He Priests, and Shees are smit by Heavens lance

And horrid Signes appeare tremendously.
A Cruell winter; famine follows sore
In France and Burgundy. Now farewell Store.


Two Suns are seen. Sea Waters sweet do flow
From Naples unto Cuma two whole dayes.


Croses are in mens robes: Some blood like show.

Some Robes like leprosy are staind, these wayes.
Greate Famine rag'd, and Conflagration, when
The Empire was Romanu's Lacupen.
They bring out of Armenia unto
Constantinoble two young men that grew
Together, which one Dead, Physitians do
Cut from the other: and no ills accrew
To him alive, who did not long abide
After his brother, dead, before he dide.


The Earth doth Quake. A blazing Star out flies.

The Sun doth wink, a famine Sore succeeds.
Hatto Mentz Bishop pens great Companie
Of Poor ins barn as if for good Alms deeds.
Sets all on fire, and when in flames they cri'de,
They're Mice that eate the Corn, this Priest replide.
But marke the End. Soon mice in troops assaile
To eate him up both night, and day. He flies
On to a Tower in th'Rhene, they ore do traile
Swiming those Streams, and Scale the tower, their Prize
The Bishop is. He is the Corn they eate
And kill him thus. His tower could not them cheat.
They know his name out of the Walls thus writ.
This tower doth Stand my Authors all so say
Still in the Rhene and bears the name as yet


Of Hatto's Tower. And lo this murine fray

Was in the third yeare of his Bishopdom
Justice comes surely though she slow doth come.
A Dreadfull Earth Quake Shatters many towns
Constantinople too, and burning gailes
The Fruits destroy, a Dismall Famine frowns.
Whereby Nicephorus did fill his Sayles
With Silver blasts selling at such a rate
The Store of bread corn gatherd up a late.
Before the Emperour calld Constantine
Gave up the ghost for certain nights there flew
Stones 'gainst his Chamber. He them did assigne
To humane hands, hence when his Watch did shew
That no man threw them, it concluded was
An hand Divine these clattring stones made pass[.]



A dismall frost September brings that lasts

Till March halfe gone, a blazing Star appears.


Yea fiery armies all night fighting Wast

And wound each other. Otho war uprears
Against the Greeks: and's almost Conquoured


A Famine ery where's nigh overspred.

An Earth Quake Stroys houses at Capua:
And fifteen towers with sevenscore men, and ten
At Benevent: part too of Arian, nay
And Fr---nt: and halfe Compane Cities, when
At Ronsa nigh with its inhabitants
Was overturnd, it routs them and decamps.


In winter frequent inundations: and
Great Gusts of Winde much building overthrows,
Great droughts the Seeds time of the Spring disbande
The Vehement burning Summer over flows.
A grievous famine follows. Snows and Rain
Unseasonable, Autumns Seedstime baine.
And now about it rains out of the Skie
Bread Corn a pace in Albany, its said,
With little Fishes too in Saxony
Which yet were not for humane food display'd
They did so Stinck. God can, did hee see good
Make fields and Fish pools in the Sky yield foode.


Fire flames out of the Water. Rhenes swift Streams

Sende fire out of their bowells that burn down
Adjacent Villages. The next year gleams
Wherein the God of heaven gives his Frown.
Three times by night the Heavens seem to bee
All bloody, if my authour fails not mee.


A Sudden Light out of the north Coast Shine[s]

By night about the first Cock Crow so cleare
A man would think it noone day bright and prime
About an hour which then did disappeare,
Leaving a ruddy Colour in the Skie
And so the night returnd as usually.


Novembers birth a winter keen begins

Stretcht out till May. Scarce one warm day then's found
Cold cruell Winds sharp blowing hard on things
That Ponds and Rivers with hard ice are bound
In th'End of June. And fishes there destroyd
Trees, Fruits, and Pastures, as with fire, are dri'de.
Waters are Scarce fit for mans use, out runs
A dreadfull Plague and Famine laying wast
All Sorts of men and beasts which none can shun
And many houses by it quite out racde.
A Comet flames from thence and Mice devour


Argentines Bishop Wild'rolph O Sad hour[.]


In th'Contrey neer to Halberstad was spewd

A babe without both Legs and Genitalls,
Whose back parts sharp like naked young birds stood,
Whose right side far the Eye and Eare extalls
Above its left, had yellow teeth too and
A left hand thumb, no fingers nor right hand.



A Dreadfull Earth Quake and a blazing Star

The world do waken: this at nine a clock.
And fiery faggot like with a long bar
Shining like Lightning onto earth, that knock
Did such within Doores and without doores too
Like lightening that very swiftly flew.
This gash in heaven vanishing appears
As 'twere a Serpent on whose head did grow
Cleare blewish feet: And afterwards there were
Two balls of burning fire the heavens out th[row.]
One fell at Magdeburgh: the other fell
Beyond the River Alt as storys tell.
And thus we se Divine Efficiency
To ware a glory bright this age quite through
By Wonders done, and Justice shines hereby
In many things. And now we pass ito view
Another glory, so to render praise
To him who glorious Rayes ran through these d[ays.]