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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Repleti sunt omnes spiritu sancto.

Thre maner fulnes, wele I fynde,
& tokenes of plente also
wos in þo Apostelles mynde
quen Goddes gost wos in hom þoo.
Þe fyrst songe made no sowene
After þo fyrst sowene doun comyng,
As schawes boþe in tour & tone
A full tvnne will sowen no thyng.

Iob septimo: Numquid mugiet bos, cum Autem presepe plenum fuerit, &c.

ffor an ox, as Iob says her,
will not lowe quen cracche is fulle,
no mor dos mon in no maner
quen he has al thyng þat he will
& crache of his hert full of hay,—
queche hay I call þo Holy Gost
þat makes althyng to his pay,—
hit nedes not to crie ne boost
Ne noȝt to sowene, as I say,
ffor þurgh þat lorde of myȝtes moost
impaciens is put oway,
He dredes for no kynges hoost.


Þis token haden truly
Þo Apostels euerychon,
ffor in Angre & grete ny
Cry ne boost made neuer one,
Bot wentyn glad & murely
to mon makyng hor moone,
þo Holy Gost so graciousely
in all godenes has hom begone.

Ibant gaudentes in conspectu consilii, quoniam digni habeti sunt, &c.

Þo secunde signe of fulnes was
þat in þo dysciples con aper,
of þo Holy Gostes gras
No fuller myȝt þai be þen þai wer.
Goode ensample þer-by take mon may
be A vessell þat full is
of one lycour, in gode fay,
An-oþer will not in Iwis;
Also þo Apostels all
þat full wer of þo Holy Gost,
of wordly fulte myȝt þai noȝt fall
ne blyndet be wit deuels boost,
& for þai haden so full sadde tast
of heuen swyetnes hom with-in,
worldly wele wos waxen wast,
þo deuell no wille had hom to wyn.