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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[Whan that I call vnto my mynde]

Whan that I call vnto my mynde
The tyme of hope that ons I hade,
The grete abuse that ded me blinde
Dothe force me allwaies to be sad;


Yet of my greef I fayne me glad
But am assurid I was to bolde
To truste to such a slipper holde.
I thought yt well that I had wrought
Willing forthewith so to ensue,
But he that sekis as I have sought
Shall finde most trust oft tymes vntrue;
For lest I reckte that most I rue,
Of that I thought my silf most sure
Ys nowe the wante of all mye cure.
Amiddes my welthe I dede not reke
But sone alas or that I wiste
The tyme was come that all to weake
I had no powre for to resiste.
Nowe am I prof to theim that liste
To flee such woo and wrongfull paine
As in my herte I doo sustayne.
Ffor faynid faithe is alwaies free
And dothe inclyne to bee oniuste,
That sure I thinck there can none bee
To muche assurid without mistruste,
But happe what maye, to theim that muste
Sustaine suche cruell destenye
Wythe patiens for remedye.
As I am on wich bye restrainte
Abides the tyme of my retourne
Yn hope that fortune by my playnte
Wyll slake the fire wherewith I bourne
Sins no waies els may serue my tourne
Yet for the dowt of this distresse
I aske but right for my redresse.