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Thou hast enamored me of woodland life,
Good shepherd, for thou showest me, in thy faith,
More than thy argument, how free of scaith
Thy cottage—how secure against the strife
That beats on prouder dwellings. So I glean
Thy secret from thee, of true happiness,
Inbred content, and quiet humbleness,
That striving only at the golden mean,
Can never be o'erthrown by soaring high,
And vexeth not the glare of envious eye.
Thy blessings are of that serener kind,
Which, as they rouse no passions up, must be
Liked to that breeze benign that strokes the sea
From rages into murmurs. No rude wind
Disturbs thy placid waters, and deforms
The glory of thy peace, with its unreckoning storms.