Saint Augustine, Earlier Writings, trans. J. H. S. Burleigh
(London and Philadelphia, 1953); idem, The City of God,
trans. Marcus Dods (New York, 1948; also reprint), esp. Book
12. E. S. Brightman, A Philosophy of Religion (New York,
1940). Karl Barth, Die kirchliche Dogmatik (Munich, 1932),
English trans. G. T. Thomson (Edinburgh, 1958), Vol. III.
Henry Duméry, The Problem of God in Philosophy of Reli-
gion, trans. C. Courtney (Evanston, 1964). A. Flew and
A. MacIntyre, eds., New Essays in Philosophical Theology
(London, 1955). G. W. F. Hegel, Werke, ed. Hermann
Glockner, 26 vols. (Stuttgart, 1927-40). Friedrich Heiler,
Prayer: A Study in the History and Psychology of Religion,
ed. S. McComb and J. E. Park (London and New York, 1932).
L. J. Henderson, The Fitness of the Environment (Boston,
1958). John Hick, Evil and the God of Love (London, 1966);
see also an abridged summary, “Evil,” Encyclopedia of
Philosophy (New York, 1967), III, 136-41. David Hume,
Dialogues concerning Natural Religion (Edinburgh, 1779).
R. Jolivet, “Evil,” New Catholic Encyclopedia (New York,
1967), V, 665-67. Karl Jung, Antwort auf Hiob (Zurich,
1952); trans. K. F. C. Hull as Answer to Job (London, 1954).
I. Kant, Ueber das Misslingen aller philosophischen Versuche
ind der Theodizee, in
Gesammelte Schriften, 23 vols. (Berlin,
1902-55), VIII, 253-72. Lactantius,
A Treatise on the Anger
of God, trans. William Fletcher (Edinburgh, 1871). G. W.
Philosophische Schriften, ed. C. I. Gerhardt, 7 vols.
(Berlin, 1875-90); idem,
Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe,
published by the German Academy, formerly the Prussian
Academy (Darmstadt and Berlin, 1923—; still incomplete),
these are the most useful editions; idem,
Essais de théodicée
sur la bonté de dieu, la liberté de l'homme, et l'origine du
mal (1710); trans. E. M. Haggard as
Essays on the Goodness
of God, the Freedom of Man, and the Origin of Evil (London,
1951). Unfortunately Haggard omitted from his translation
the important appendices: Leibniz' reduction of his argu-
ment to syllogistic form is translated in the
Leibniz Selec-
tions, ed. Philip P. Wiener (New York, 1951; 1959), pp.
The Philosophical Papers and
Letters of Leibniz, ed.
L. E. Loemker, rev. ed. (Dordrecht, 1969) contains early
attempts at the problem (pp. 146-47, 216-27, 321-23).
J. S. Mill,
Three Essays on Religion (London, 1874); idem,
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy (London,
1865), Ch. VII. Nelson Pike, ed.,
God and Evil: Readings
in the Theological Problem of Evil (Englewood Cliffs, 1964).
Josiah Royce,
Studies in Good and Evil (New York, 1898).
F. R. Tennant,
Philosophical Theology (Cambridge, 1930),
Vol. II, Ch. viii. R. A. Tsanoff,
The Nature of Evil (New
York, 1931).
[See also
Evil; Existentialism; Free Will in Theology;
Hegelian...; Perennial Philosophy.]