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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Born in Petersburg, Virginia, April 8, 1860, is a son of Major N. M.
Tannor, who held that rank in the Confederate States Army, was
many years an honored resident of Petersburg, and died April 8, 1881,
aged fifty-six years. Major Tannor married Miss M. A. Rowlett, who
survives him, living now in Petersburg.

John Tannor went to school to W. Gordon McCabe, Petersburg. He
began business in Petersburg with his father, with whom he remained
two years, was then one year in a broker's office in New York City, then
returned to Petersburg, where he was four years in business, firm of John
Tannor & Co. He then made his home in Norfolk, and was two years


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a partner in the firm of Tannor & Co., cotton commission business.
Three years ago he connected himself with the firm of E. H. Coates & Co.,
Norfolk, cotton commission business, with which he still remains.