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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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De quinto qualiter missus est.

Now how þo Holy Gost send was
hit is to wete & knaw I-wis,
with sowene & dyn þer in þat plaas
& tonges of fir, leue wele þis,
And þos tonges forthe-schawyng
syttyng, þat iche mon myȝt see
his felawes on fir flaumyng,
As semed þer to þat meyne.

Sonus fuit repentinus, celestis, vehemens & replens, vt inferius declarabitur, &c.

That sowene wos sodayne, sothe to say,
heuenly, heuyng vp & ouer,
& fulfillyng, in gode fay,
As I shall declar þes four.

Spiritus sanctus nescit tarda molumina.

Sodayn hit wos securly,
ffor þo Holy Gostes gras
is radde & con not come slawly
þer-as he will take his plaas.
Heuenly also wos þat sowene,
ffor qwo-so hit is to sent
is made heuenly be resoun
of heuenly thyng, als fully kent.


Vnde vehemens, quasi vehat mens.

Heuen[g] vp hit wos also
ffor erthely luf engendret hit
& wayued als euer-lastyng woo,
And wroȝt full wele in monnes witte.
Also hit wos fulfillyng,
ffor þo Holy Gost Al-way
fulfilles hom þat he is In lengyng,
As by this clause knaw mon may: