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[O sweete glove the witness of my secrett Blisse]

O sweete glove the witness of my secrett Blisse,
(Whiche hyding did preserve that beutyes lighte)
That (opened forthe) my sealle of Comfort ys,
Bee thow my Starr in this my Darckest nighte,
Thow that myne eyes theyre Cherefull Sunne dothe misse,
Which Daseling still doste still meyntayne my sighte,
Bee thow Sweete glove, the Anchor of my Mynde,
Till my frayle Barcke his Haven ageane do fynde.
Sweete glove, the sweetest spoyles of the sweetest hand,
Fayre hande, the fayrest pledg of fayrer harte,
True harte, whose truthe dothe yeelde to trusty bande,
Cheef Bande I say wch tyes my cheefest parte,
My Cheefest parte, wherein doo cheefly stande
Those secrett Joyes wch heaven to mee imparte,
Unite in one, my state thus still to save
Yow have my thanckes, Let mee youre Comfort have.