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Guardian of my hoary hairs,
Let me still dispense Thy grace,
(Meanest of Thy messengers,
Ready to conclude my race,)
Still Thy promised presence prove,
Still proclaim Thy pardoning love.
Touch my lips with hallowing fire,
Utterance let Thy Spirit give,
Fill my heart with pure desire
That a dying world may live,
Witnesses of sins forgiven,
Sons of God and heirs of heaven.
Open now the gospel door,
Now the gospel truths reveal,
Clothe Thy word with secret power,
Saving, irresistible,
Power that life Divine imparts,
Breaks and heals attentive hearts.
Faith which sweetly works by love
Let it now by hearing come,
That begotten from above
Souls may languish after home,
Spotless in Thine image rise,
Grasp through death the' immortal prize.
Crown of my rejoicing, Lord,
Let me there my children meet,
Saved by the engrafted word,
Singing round Thy glorious seat,
Children of my faith and prayer
Let me die to meet them there.


Instrument of saving them,
Jesus, claim me for Thine own,
That I may in bliss supreme
Cast my crown before Thy throne,
Face to face my Saviour see,
Gaze through all eternity.