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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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36 Of the Lady that lookt well to her borders.
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36 Of the Lady that lookt well to her borders.

A lady of great Birth, great reputation,
Clothed in seemely, & most sumptuous fashion:
Wearing a border of rich Pearle and stone,
Esteemed at a thousand crownes alone,
To see a certaine Interlude, repaires,
Through a great prease, vp a darke paire of staires.
Her Page did beare a Torch that burnt but dimly.
Two cozening mates, seeing her deckt so trimly,
Did place themselues vpon the stayres to watch her,

And thus they laid their plot to cunny-catch her:
One should as 'twere by chance strike out the light;
While th'other that should stand beneath her, might
Attempt, (which modestie to suffer lothes)
Rudely to thrust his hands vnder her clothes.
That while her hands repeld such grosse disorders,
His mate might quickly slip away the borders.
Now though this act to her was most displeasant,
Yet being wise (as womens wits are present:)
Straight on her borders both her hands she cast,
And with all her force she held them fast.
Villaines, she cryde, you would my borders haue:
But I'le saue them tother it selfe can saue:
Thus, while the Page had got more store of light,
The coozening mates, for feare slipt out of sight.
Thus her good wit, their cunning ouer-matcht.
Were not these conycatchers conycatcht?