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Under the Emperours West as Otho. 1. from 938 to 9** East as
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Under the Emperours West as Otho. 1. from 938 to 9** East as

Otho the first is Crownd at Aquisgrane
Arnulphs proud Sons with arms his deeds disdain
Cause he had dubd their brother Bertold, Duke.
And they the title Earles Provinciall took.
He curbs them, yet Tanquard his batterd brother
Did ceize upon while this great dust did pother,
The Marquisate of Brandeburgh by force
To whom Duke Eberhard made his recourse.
And Henry, Otho's brother in they twinde
Duke Giselbert of Lotharinge too joynd.
But Otho's man at Hartzburge Tanquard Slew
And soon in war he dasht the other too
Yet in this juncture Lewis King of France
Assaults Alsace. And's back soon made to prance,
Bohemy now rebells full fourteen years
The Hungars Austria, and Alman's fears
Depoplate. At Worms slip ore the Rhene
And Gaul and Burgundy make their Sad Scene
And back return through Italy. Now Hugh
The Earle of Paris for the Throne doth sue.
And swells too for th'Emperiall Majesty
But Otho cuts his Comb: makes Lewis joy.
The Hungars rush on Italy again
Wast Capua, Benevent, and Nola Stain.
Great Hugh in Italy doth tyrannize
But Berengary's Son Albert did rise
Gains Otho's aide against him tooke him down
The Russi send a Fleet to gain the town
Constantinople but Romanus turns
And with his Wild fire soon that navy burns.
The Saracen envade do Italy
And Hugh with Wild fire did their fleet annoy.
But feare of Berengary turns the Scales.
Who now in Italy Strangly prevails.
Otho is Calld and comes: and breaks the yoake
And marri'd Lothairs Widdow. Hence out broke
A war between the Father and the Son
Ludolph against his Father Otho run.


At Mentz with Bishop there they flock together
To Ludolph who are chased by his Father.
He highs to Ratisbone, is there hemd in
And all reliefe him faild. The Son to Win
His Fathers heart out barefoot goes unto
His Father, and with tears in's eyes that flow,
Fell on his knees and begs forgiveness, and
The Father pardons all: a tenter hand.
The Hungars that his Coast did harrass, hee
Subdu'de nigh to Augusta, mightilie.
Now Italy the Cream of all the Pest,
Doth Smart indeed, by Berengary prest.
Otho relieves. But treacherous she Revolts.
He doth her Seige, till famine for her faults
So grips her that mans flesh she's glad to eate
She forc'd to yield, and all is heald compleat.
She then revolts again. And now he comes
And thirteen rebells hangs and so them bombs.
And Theophane Daughter in Law unto
Th'East Emperour Nicephorus did so
Obtain to be a bride unto his Son.
And Sent his host to bring her bravely home.
The Greeks displeasd here at, rise, slay and take
Them Captive to Constantinople's Gate[.]
Otho enrag'd did claw Apuleia


Calabria too and made them tribute pay

And thus we finde a wicked age persu'de
By woe the Hue, and Cry Justice renewd.
The Eastern Countries Sweat with Turkish wars.
Gods Justice executes revenge by jars[.]