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14 occurrences of abbot
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300-301-302: General Chemistry:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

350-351-352: Chemistry Laboratory:

11:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

The fundamental principles and phenomena of inorganic, organic, and
physical chemistry, and the foundations of analytical chemistry. Most of
the time is devoted to inorganic phenomena. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Carter, Assistant Professor Markham and Assistants.

306-307-308: Analytical Chemistry:

8:30-9:30, T. Th. S.

356-357-358: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, T. Th.

Chemistry 300-1-2 prerequisite.

(a) Qualitative Analysis. First and second terms, 3 hours of lecture
and 6 hours of laboratory per week, devoted to the study of systematic qualitative
analysis. (b) Quantitative Analysis. Third term, 2 hours of lecture
and 9 hours of laboratory per week, devoted to elementary quantitative
analysis. In the lectures and recitation work special emphasis is given to the
theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Yoe and Assistants.

309-310-311: Organic Chemistry:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

359-360-361: Organic Chemistry Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, T. Th.

Chemistry 300-1-2 prerequisite.

An introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon, including the
application of modern chemical theory to such compounds and their reactions.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Bird and Assistants.


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318-319-320: Quantitative Analysis:

Lecture by appointment

368-369-370: Quantitative Analysis Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, M. W.

Chemistry 306-7-8 prerequisite.

A course in the principles of quantitative analysis. The laboratory work
will include a study of characteristic procedures, illustrating gravimetric and
volumetric analysis. 1 hour of lecture and 6 hours of laboratory per week.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Yoe and Assistants.

321-322-323: Physical Chemistry:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

371-372-373: Physical Chemistry Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, T. Th.

Chemistry 306-7-8 prerequisite, as well as some knowledge of the Calculus and
previous training in Physics.

An introductory study of atomic structure theory, kinetic theory and the
principle of the conservation of energy form the foundations of the study of
gases, liquids, solids, solutions and rates of reaction. A brief study of the
direction of chemical change is then followed by the consideration of homogeneous
and heterogeneous equilibria. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Assistant Professor Spencer and Assistant.

324-325-326: Principles of Chemical Engineering:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 321-22-23 prerequisite.

A course designed to give the prospective chemical engineer a thorough
foundation in the basic principles of his profession. Regularly taken in the
fourth year. The unit operations of chemical industry are studied from the
standpoint of the chemical and physical principles involved. Practice in the
application of these principles is given by the solution of numerous type problems
in which quantitative treatment is emphasized. Attention is first devoted
to a detailed study of flow of fluids and flow of heat, since these topics are
fundamental in the subsequent development of unit operations in Chemical
Engineering. These subjects are followed by sub-division of solids, evaporation,
humidification and drying. Facility is developed in the stoichiometry of
chemical industry. A number of plant inspection trips are made during the
year. Lectures and recitations, 3 hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbook: Walker, Lewis and McAdams: "Principles of Chemical Engineering."

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

327-328-329: Advanced Chemical Engineering:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Chemical Engineering 324-25-26 prerequisite.

Regularly taken in the graduate year by candidates for the Ch. E. degree.
The subjects of evaporation and drying are treated in more detail
than in the preliminary course, while the additional subjects of filtration,
distillation, absorption and extraction are taken up. Familiarity is gained with
the applications of calculus to the solutions of problems in these fields. Principles
in the flow of fluids and flow of heat are used in solving problems of


Page 306
more advanced character. Recent developments in Chemical Engineering are
studied. Lectures and recitations, 3 hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbook: Walker, Lewis, and McAdams: "Principles of Chemical

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

340-341-342: Applied Chemistry:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 309-10-11 and 321-22-23 prerequisite.

The lectures and recitations in this course are devoted to the study of
fundamental principles underlying the more important phases of industrial
chemistry, including both theoretical and economic problems. A considerable
amount of collateral reading in descriptive industrial chemistry is assigned,
and written reports involving use of the literature are required. Better appreciation
of the quantitative relationships existing in the applications of
chemistry is gained through problem work paralleling the lecture material.
A number of plant inspection trips are arranged during the year. Lectures
and recitations, 3 hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

386-387-388: Chemical Engineering Research:

This course is designed for candidates for the Ch. E. degree and affords
an introduction to research methods. Fundamental problems will be selected
for study whenever possible from the field in which the student is particularly
interested, or from fields which are of importance in representative chemical
industries of the State, such as Rayon and Nitro-cellulose, Nitrogen Fixation,
Paper and Heavy Chemicals. The method of attack in general will be
to reduce the selected problem to laboratory scale leading to the collection of
basic data susceptible of definite interpretation, rather than to attempt special
investigations on semi-plant equipment which usually lead to merely empirical
data. The use of the chemical literature as an aid in conducting investigations
accompanies the laboratory work, as well as practice in the
mathematical and graphical treatment of the data obtained. (Fall, Winter,

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

Advanced Courses: A number of advanced courses in Chemistry, not
listed above, are described in the catalogue of the College. When time permits,
students in Chemical Engineering, who are properly prepared, may take
such of these courses as are approved by the Faculty of Engineering.

The Chemical Journal Club will meet once a week (hour to be arranged)
for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest in current
chemical literature and of such chemical researches as are in progress in the
University. All members of the teaching staff and advanced students in
chemistry are expected to participate in these meetings and to take part
in the discussions.