University of Virginia Library

Electrical Engineering 2. [Holladay].

The Fall Term is devoted to the study of the fundamental principles
of Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Apparatus.
The physics of the phenomena is emphasized and by the use of
numerous exercises the student is thoroughly drilled in original calculations.
The course is paralleled by selected laboratory exercises
which give the use of standardizing apparatus.

The Winter Term is given to the study of Photometry, Electric
Lighting, and Low Voltage Power Distributions.
The student is familiarized
with the different types of Photometers, Photometric Standards,
Incandescent Lamps, Arc Lamps, and Systems of Electrical
Distribution. In the laboratory the student tests various types of
commercial lamps, and studies their luminous effects, efficiency and
general characteristics.

The Spring Term is devoted to the Design of Electrical Apparatus.
Calculations are made of the electric, magnetic and mechanical
parts of Direct Current Machines, Transformers, and Alternators; and
the operation of certain laboratory apparatus is presented and the calculations
are verified by test of the apparatus itself.