University of Virginia Library


Jesus, The promise made by Thee
We plead, and touching this agree
To ask it for our friend,
The help Thou only canst bestow,
Deliverance from her hellish foe,
A swift deliverance, send.
The virtues of Thy balmy name
To-day as yesterday the same,
In her relief exert;
The fiend who dares Thy temple seize,
No longer suffer him to' oppress,
But bid him now depart.


Thou canst with equal ease make whole
The body, and the sinsick soul,
Physician of mankind;
Thy patient, Lord, at once restore,
Fill'd with the spirit of love and power,
And of a healthful mind.
Clothed with humility and grace,
Thy ransom'd, happy handmaid place
Attentive at Thy feet;
And never may she thence remove,
Till spotless in Thy sight above
She finds her joy complete.