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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Ad Romanos viijo: Ipse spiritus testimonium reddidit spiritui nostro, vt sumus filii dei. Sin autem filii, & heredes, &c.

Therfor Saynt Paule says expres
þat Goddis gost full of myȝt
to our gost beres wytnes
þat Goddes sonnes we ben be ryȝt.
& ȝif we ben his sonnes all,
his Ayres we ben of full ayge,
& heuenly paradyse vs will fall
ffor to clayme for heretayge.
Also ryȝt As bonde-men wer
þat ȝer delyuerd All vnboȝt,
So out of synne we ben her
delyuered with þat God has wroȝt.
ffor quer-so Goddes gost shall go,
þer is ffrensship þat will not faile,
Saynt Paule witnes þat hit is so,
þer Sathan may vs noȝt Assayle.

Ad Chorentheos tercio: Vbi spiritus domini, ibi libertas, &c.

De iiijto quociens missus est, videlicet apostolis.

Now hit is to knaw ryȝt
how ofte þo Holy Gost wos sent
to his dysciples, as he lyȝt
thries I fynde, now takes entent.
Befor þo passioun one tyme was,
And after þo resurrexioun,
Tho thrid tyme as this day thurgh gras
x. dayes after tho Ascensioun.


Þo fyrst for miracles, leue ȝe may,
The secound to relesshe syn,
þo thrid to comforde vs in tho fay
þat sumtyme befor wer louse þer in.

Primo missus est Ad faciendum miracula, secundo relaxandum peccata, tercio ad confirmandum corda.

ffyrst he sende hit hom to preche,
& ouer deuels to haue power,
to keuer All þat þai myȝt ouer-reyche,
þo quyche in ony langour wer,
And þos miracles myȝt þai not do
Saue only by þo Holy Gost,
þerfor he graunted þat grase hom to
to heele þer-by bothe leest & moost.

Mathei septimo: Si Autem in spiritu dei eicio demonia, &c.

Neuer-tho-les hit schwes noȝt
yche mon þat has gost in hym,
bot wundres schyn be by hym wroȝt
to leene mon lyfe, er heyle, or lym.

Gregorius: Miracula hominem sanctum non faciunt, set ostendu[n]t.

ffor Saynt Gregory says this,
þat miracles maken not A mon holy,
Bot schwen þat he holy is
& godde wurches wonderly,
Ne all men þat miracles don
haue not in hom þo Holy Gost,
ffor summe men sayn þat þai mone sone
do myracles, & þer-of maken boost.