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Under Emperours of the West as Conrade. 913 to 9** Henry. 920 to 937 East as before and Romanus
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Under Emperours of the West as Conrade. 913 to 9** Henry. 920 to 937 East as before and Romanus


Conrade now wares imperiall Bayes indeed.

Another Prince a Winter keen succeeds.
Now Hatto Mentz Arch bishop down did fall
And Divells did, its said, his Carkass hall
And headlong hurle int' Etna'es fiery maw.
Now pay is made him, for his guilfull law
Whereby the Marquess Adelbert did lose
His head: and who did seek by wiles to close
Duke Henry of Saxony with Death
But Justice now sees meet to Stop his breath.
Hungarians harrass Alman, but are bangd.


But soon return and with an horrid hand

Do Alman Spoile, Thuringe and Saxony.
The German Princes in the mean time fly
Together by the Ears. The Hungar hence
Laugh in their Sleevs, a new attempt Commence[,]
Alman, and Alsace do depopulate
But Conrade making with them peace, the fate
Falls on the German Princes, off thereby
The Heads of Eringer and Berthold fly,
Brethren unto the Lotharingian Duke.
Arnulphiut of Bavaria too is shooke.
But Henry Duke of Saxony more wise,
And Potent is greate terrour in their eyes.
Conrade sets Hatto as his Mousetrap, who
Provides a Golden halter that must do
The Worthy Deed: and with a Sigh thus told
Unto the Goldsmith, that this Wreath of gold
Shall deadly bee unto Duke Henry.
To whom the Goldsmith shew'd it Secretly
When Henry gave a visit Hatto too,
Hence Henry said Well let the traitor know
His neck not harder is than Alberts was.
And ceisd all that in Thuringy and Hass
Was Hatto's. But Conrade to arms now flew.
And nigh to Hartsburgh the Stout Saxons slew,


Such numbers of the French, that Stage men would
In scorn say Where is there an hell that could
Receive such multitudes of Slaughter'd men.


Soon after this Conrade his Diadem

Surrendred up to Henry the Wise
Calld also Fowler. But Arnulph back highs
Into Bavaria the Empire claims.
To whom Wise Henry the Case explains
Ev'n thus. I ceizd not on the Emperiall Strand:
But Eberhard by Conrades Strict Commands
Deliveres it to mee, and all his Pears
Gave their Consent (By me Kings reign we heare)
Now if the Peers Choose Arnulph Emperour
I'le freely yield Subjection. Banish war.
This Conquourd Arnulph, he doth Subject ly.
Another Berengare fangs Italy[.]
War Flames ore France tween Ratbertus and Charles
Ratbert is routed. But now Henry Snarls.
Charles met him, and himselfe and France Subject
And Sent Saint Denyse's hand most neatly deckt
And Set inclosd in Gold with Gems most bright.
Hence Henry pacifide no Stroke did Strike


But Charles prooves false, on Alsace, unto Worms

Invasion makes. Hence Henry on him turns.
Him routs, and taketh Metz. At Bon they make


Peace once again. The Hungars out do brake

Claw Italy. Earle Herbert captive made
King Charles and him in Paro prison laid


Wherein he dies: because his Sword had slain

His brother Ratbert. Hungars out again
Wast France, Alsace, Gaul, Almain, Cesar rose
Against the Sclaves: and doth their hold Enclose
Of Brandeburgh in Winter time so cold
Their tents were pitcht in ice. And in this hold
He conquours them by Famin, Cold, and Sword.
Then did Dalmace's Grone and Gana board.


And made Bohemy tributary: nay


Did more than forty thousand Hungars slay

In Saxony. And them in Thuringe rout:
The Danes Subdue and Conquour round about.
Romanus Son of Constantine in th'East
His mother, and his Sisters dispossest


And from the Palace Chast, who in their griefe
Their Bodies prostitute for mony briefe.