University of Virginia Library

Mechanical Laboratory. [Thornton and Gallalee].

In this course the student verifies in the laboratory the more
important data and conclusions of the theoretical courses. The
work is divided as below:

Fall Term.—Testing the Materials of Construction; including
tensile and compressive tests of wires, rods, and bars for strength
and elasticity; transverse tests of timber and cast iron; torsional
tests of metals; and tensile and compressive tests of cements and
mortars, stones and bricks and concrete.


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Winter Term.—Friction and Lubricants; including experiments
on sliding friction, journal friction and belt friction; on the viscosity
and density of lubricants; and on the friction of machines.

Spring Term.—Hydraulic Laboratory; including measurements
of efflux from orifices and weir notches, the experimental study of
pipe friction, and the determination of the specific gravities of the
materials of engineering. Practical exercises in stream gauging are
also required. Hours, 10-1, Saturday.