University of Virginia Library


Saviour, Thy promised aid I claim
In danger's threatening hour;
I run for shelter to Thy name,
My adamantine tower:
While underneath Thy wings I rest,
My sure defence I have;
For who or what can e'er molest
Whom God resolves to save?
The man who truly fears his God
Hath nothing else to fear:
Thy providence marks out my road,
Thy glory guards my rear;


I journey on, with flaming bands
Begirt on every side;
The angels bear me in their hands,
And Jesus is my guide.
The sons of violence surround
My sacred paths in vain;
By my unseen Protector bound,
They cannot break their chain:
Legions of fiends before Him fly,
Nor dare His charge assail;
He scatters evil with His eye,
He frowns them back to hell.
Lord, I with thankfulness adore
Thy providential care,
And still Thy promised help implore
In never-ceasing prayer:
Before me still, my Saviour, go,
And lead me by Thy grace;
But turn on Sion's top, and show
Me all Thy glorious face.