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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Item A spiritu sancto venit remissio.

Also by þo Holy Gost þis day
ffelle remyssioun of our syn,
And be gode skyll preue I may,
As I thenke now er þat I twyn.


ffor in þo fyfty ȝer Alway
Sum tyme wos playne remissioun
of Cristen thynges, As I shall say,
þat I may after be resoun
Put þo spirituall ȝer of grase
to þo temperall dede befor,
ffor this remissioun vsed was
ffrom Habrahames tyme euermor.
Dettes, ȝif ony oghyng wer,
wer for-gefen weterly,
Men that wer exilled comen ner
And wer restored thurgh mercy;
Ȝif eny heretage wer lorne,
þat ȝer hit wos geuen oȝayne;
& suche as in bondayge wer borne,
wer made fre & þer-of fayne;
Also such As wer þo deth worthi,
wer delyuerd of presoun,
now put we yche grase in hy
to gostly playne remissioun.
ffyrst þurgh þo Holy Gost þis day,
ryȝt as dette forgeuen was,
so wer synnes, sothe to say,
hydde ouer-all þer he toke plaas.
Als in this fyfty day I-wis
synne[r]s wele repelled wer
to mercy, þof þai diden amys,
her-to Acordes þo Sauter:

Spiritus tuus bonus deducet me in terram rectam.

Also for heretage þat wos lost,
þat is erthely paradyse,
Crist his blode & flesshe for vs cost,
& for þat heretage put in prise


Heuenly paradyse vs to wyn,
And þis day sende his gost doun
to conferme þat he con wyn,
ffor quyche he tholed his passioun.