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[Reason, tell mee thy Mynde, yf here bee Reason?]

Reason, tell mee thy Mynde, yf here bee Reason?
In this straunge vyolence to make resistance,
Where sweete Graces erect the stately Banner?
Of Vertues Regiment shyning in harness
Of Fortunes Dyadems by Beauty mustered,
Say then Reason (I say) what ys thy Counsell?
Her Loose hayer bee the shott, The Brestes the Pykes bee,
Skoutes eche Motion ys, The handes the Horsemen,
Her Lyppes are the Riches, the Warryers to meyntayne,
Where well Couched abydes a Coffer of Perle,
Her Legges, Cariage ys of all the sweete Campe,
Say then Reason (I say) what ys thy Counsell?
Her Cannons bee her eyes, Myne eyes, the Walles bee?
Whiche at first volley gave to open entrie,


Nor Ramper did abyde, my Brayne was up blowne,
Undermynde wth a speeche, the perser of thoughtes,
Thus weykened by my self, no help remayneth.
Say then Reason (I say) what ys thy Counsell?
And now Fame, the Herralde of her true Honor,
Dothe proclayme with a sounde made all by mens mouthes,
That Nature, Soveraigne of Earthly Dwellers
Comaundes all Creatures to yeelde obaysance?
Under this her owne her onely Darling.
Say then Reason (I say) what ys thy Counsell.
Reason sighes, but in ende hee thus dothe answer?
Noughte can Reason avayle in heavenly Matters
Thus Natures Dyamond receyve thy Conquest,
Thus Pure Perle I do yeelde my sences and sowle,
Thus sweete payne I do yeelde what ere I can yeelde.
Reason looke to thy self I serve a Goddess.