University of Virginia Library



Come, Saviour, from above,
Our dear redeeming Lord,
And twist us by Thy dying love
Into a threefold cord;
Friendship that shall endure
Long as the life of God,
Indissolubly strong, and pure
As Thy cementing blood.
Thy love which passeth thought
In every heart reveal,
And by a common ransom bought
We one salvation feel;
We one salvation given
To desperate sinners show,
And preach the throne of God in heaven
Set up in man below.
For this raised up by Thee,
And on Thy message sent,
With primitive simplicity
To the highways we went;


Nor scrip nor purse we took,
But cast the world behind,
But cheerfully our all forsook,
Our all in Thee to find:
Our sole desire and aim
Perishing souls to win,
Collect the outcasts in Thy name,
And force them to come in;
As thunder's sons to rouse
The dead that cannot die,
And fill with guests the lower house,
And fit them for the sky.
For this we still remain,
By labours undepress'd,
And feel the love revive again
That warm'd our youthful breast:
Thou dost the zeal revive,
The first uniting grace,
And bid us to Thy glory live
Our last and happiest days.
Thy mind we surely know,
In which we now agree,
And hand in hand exulting go
To final victory:
Obedient to Thy will,
We put forth all our fire,
Our ministerial work fulfil,
And in a blaze expire.