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[Thy servant ready to depart]

Thy servant ready to depart,
Jesus, to Thee for help I cry;
The virtue of Thy name exert,
Or saved so long, in sin I die.
Preserved by my redeeming Lord
In twice ten thousand conflicts pass'd,
Unless Thy help Thou still afford
I faint and perish in the last.
If through Thy strength I have run well,
And almost won the doubtful race,
Most sensibly my want I feel
Of more, of persevering grace.
The countless storms of life brought through,
If Thou refuse my heart's desire,
Justly forsook, the land I view,
And shipwreck'd in the port expire.
I cannot to the end endure,
Unless the patience Thou bestow,
And make my latest footsteps sure,
And with me through the valley go.
But, jealous of myself, I hope
Thou wilt my Guide and Keeper be,
My weak defective faith fill up,
And to the end remember me.
Throughout my life of death afraid,
Yet, Lord, in Thee I still confide;
On Thee my trembling soul is stay'd,
Who hast for me both lived and died.


Thou wilt, I steadfastly believe,
My Saviour to the utmost prove,
And to Thyself in death receive
The purchase of Thy dying love.