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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 220.

[Return, O Lord, how long a space!]

Psal. 90. Longings for good Times.

Return, O Lord, how long a space!
Let it repent thee much,
Touching thy Servants woful case,
Whose sufferings have been such.
O satisfie us speedily
With thy Compassions kind,
That all our days may yield us joy,
And gladness chear our mind.
As thou hast sent us Sorrows keen,
So let's have Comforts glad,
For days and years which we have seen
So sorrowful and sad.
O let thy Work appear unto
Thy Servants ev'ry one;
Thy glory to our Children show,
When we are dead and gone.
The Lord our God shine on his Church,
And Grace our joynt endeavour;
O prosper thou our handy-work,
And 'stablish it for ever.