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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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The Story of the Persian Lady ZELMANZA.

That Sister gone Transcendent Beauty shin'd
Zelmanza call'd; as choice for virtuous mind:
To Pity whom if (Reader) th' art dispos'd,
Conjoyned take her Fortune strange disclos'd:
If tho with-held too long thou shalt appear
From our chief Story, until next Book forbear.
In Memphis Lodg'd prime Town of Egypt known,
Now Cairo call'd; she Garden trac'd alone
(Brother gone forth, i'th' House their Sister maid)
Where Field close joyn'd neglected Banks display'd;
Step'd through the Door, on Fortunes Changes musing:
When four tall Rogues, bad Thievish Practice using,
Tho seiz'd sometimes on Virgins Young and Fair
Advantage got, then sold for gainful Ware
To Out-landish Customers, Fresh Merchandize;
Viewing her Form and Youth, convenient Prize,
As pass'd along; brave Persian Cloaths withal;
One slip'd between Her and that Door, t'enthrall,
Pull'd close, Spring-lock'd the same, a second Glove
Thrust in her Mouth. Third Poniard sharp did move,
That held against her Brest, threating for Dead
If march'd not on with nimble Foot, where led.
They cross'd that Field to River near at hand,
Blind nook where fifth with Boat did waiting stand
For such Exploits; so down the Stream they row'd
Whilst her fair Eyes like Christal Founts or'erflow'd:
New dismal Voyage thought, most strangely fear'd;
Till at the length their dreadful Place appear'd.
Wild, loanly Walls with Moat encompast round,
Dark shaded Creek for Gloomy entrance found.
'Twas Lodg 'mongst lofty Trees, fit Den descry'd
For Murthers, Rapes, ill gotten Goods beside:


Mean Couch howere they could by chance impart;
Whereon she lay in Cloaths, sad, gauled Heart.
There prov'd that time a Lord Embassador
Sent from Morocco's King, grand Tawny-Moor;
That Fez conjoyn'd to's Master's Scepter bending;
Dominion large, by th' Western Seas extending.
Most Lustful Prince, most Proud withal, as great;
This Lord next day should towards Home Retreat:
Wherefore that Night their Captain like Comrade
Inform'd his Ear what gallant Persian Maid
(True Virgin found) they had; of noblest Birth,
Such known to be; Young, Beautiful as th' Earth
Could then produce. Choice, Lovely Brown indeed;
Prime Feature, Person joyn'd, might wonder breed.
The Lord was pleas'd, since Kingly Present thought,
Zelmanza's thus next Morn by Water brought,
Convenient way unto his Garden Door,
Sea-prize by them affirm'd, on Lawful Score.
Her Person view'd, tho Face bedrench'd in Tears,
Whilst through that Showr bright Sun-shine breaks, appears;
Maid being approv'd; then mounting Golden Sum
For Price discharg'd, he Lanched forth for home.
Sad Glances back the fair Zelmanza cast
On Memphis Walls whilst Nilus Streams she pass'd;
Some Comfort tho, since from that Barbarous Crew
To Nobler Hands transfer'd; o'rewhelmed too,
Since wandring farther off from Sister, Brother,
Kind Uncle, last (what Heart such Griefs could smother!
To strange and Tawney World, she knows not where
(Tho heard it nam'd) sighs constant Breath, as 'twere.
Reach'd Midland Sea, they Western Course began,
Propitious Gale, like waiting Guardian,
Attends their Barque; convey'd them smoothly o're
The brinish Deep, pass'd Carthaginian Shore,
Where Dido dy'd then turn'd to Northern Dance,
South-west again with pleasing Dalliance;
Till Mauritania past in large Degree,
Where Tunis, now Algiers, call'd Barbara.
When Storm arose, the Winds in blustring Fray
Contending met, orewhelmed prov'd the Day;
Heaven masqu'd in Cloudy Black; the Seas did rise,
And foaming Waves discharg'd against the Skies;


Th' Air Field for all; whilst those incensed round
Pour'd Floods beneath, with Ordnance seem'd resound,
Grand Thunder-claps: where Lightning seem'd the Fire:
As tho the World would raging break, expire.
With Horrors strange the General Face orespread
What view'd, beheld; Men wishing themselves Dead
Through Dying Fears: whilst Bandy'd seem'd and lost
Their labouring Barque, from Water-Mountains tost
To Watry Vales confused Noise doth grow,
Loud Storm within, extream; false Sands below,
Rocks fear'd above, Waves, sinking strait from thence:
Zelmanza's Heart much calm'd through Innocence
More sudden Fate (if seiz'd her there) might free
From lingring Death withal, strange Slavery.
Long Strife orepast, the Winds did make retreat;
Clouds spent, withdrawn, smooth'd Waves allay as great.
Tho toiling Barkere's disorder'd Tackling, Dress
(Much wrong'd by th' furious Storm) caus'd heaviness.
Till primely advanc'd their Voyage (last) they found,
Driven near to Mauritania's Western Ground;
Now call'd Tangier; where soon repair'd they are,
So, Steer'd along through Streits of Gibraltar.
By Southern Course reach'd warm Morocco's Shore,
Rude-formed Towers; she Persian saw before.
Arrived safe, Zelmanza (Beauteous Maid)
To his own House th' Ambassador convey'd;
Whose White all wondred at, fair She again
Their Sun-burn'd Croud; tho brought by Tawny Train:
That Lord went strait to th' Court, shewn humblest duty;
The King inform'd, what Noble Persian Beauty,
Maid also, brought; was charg'd that Female Prize
He should next Morn present to th' Royal Eyes.
Zelmanza came, Young Courtiers Gaz'd large store,
Deep Tawny tho not Black Complexion wore.
Nor such big Lips, flat Nose, out-Brows designed
As Black-Moors have; tho some that way inclin'd:
Prove Deeper then the Northern Tawneys far,
Tunis, Algiers, if th' Ancient Natives are.
Mounting the Room, unveil'd; when Sorrow there
Did heightning Foil to th' Beauteous Face appear.
The King advanc'd, with light silk Robe array'd,
Where gaudiest Flowers (some Silver, Gold) display'd;


Reach'd past the Knee; long Breeches, small below,
Linnen that time: from calf all bare did shew.
Fine Girdle wreath'd of glistring stuff beheld:
Black, short curl'd Crown, whose Gorgeous Role excell'd.
Us'd high rais'd Cap abroad, of Silken kind,
Choice Sprig thereon, some Linnen mixt, combin'd.
Pure Linnen Cloaths on Tawney Neck was worn,
Much pleated, spread: wrists Pearl and Gems adorn.
View'd proper Person, large; bad Features there,
Grim Countenance; Years twenty five did bear.
Approach'd with Loftiest steps, Zelmanza Bow'd;
Whom he did take by th' Chin, great smack allow'd;
Cheeks clap'd withal; told certain standers by,
Who Persian spoke, he lik'd her Lip and Eye;
Th' whole Person there; that Nation pleasing seem'd,
Stout Gallant 'twas; her self the more esteem'd.
Inform'd whereof, no Words returned then,
But sober Look; Joyn'd Reverence agen.
Next, order gave, to th' Female Mansion she
(Some private Room) should strait conducted be;
Therefore Twelve Days with choiceness Dieted.
Strong, heightning Meats, so brought to's Royal Bed.
Given Larger time, since Health perchance impair'd
Through Voyage long and bad withal; declar'd.
Thus, She's convey'd, where noble Slave must shew,
To th' Captain-Eunuch's Power, Seraglio:
Which croud of Women held, all tended there
By Eunuch-slaves, to whom their Quarters were,
And Wards assign'd. Zelmanza lodg'd alone,
Was by the Kings command (at first unknown)
Left to Arabian's Charge, being born and bred
Nigh Persian Bounds; which somewhat comforted;
That Language spoke; inform'd her many a thing,
What time she should be imbraced by the King.
An Africk Princess, maid, last night enjoy'd;
For Beauty's Gloss who wanting prov'd, and Void,
Since Tawney Face, their Climates near the same;
Well-Featur'd tho, good proper, Handsom Frame:
Whose Life far off, nigh the Red Sea began,
With Feathers drest, as now the American.
Stragling not far from Shore to Isle of Pleasure,
Dear Freedom conjoyned Maiden Treasure.


In th' Afternoon, there was perform'd at Court
Triumphant Scene, which did grand Pride import.
Tall Black-moor-King and Queen, took Pris'ners late,
Were Marshall'd up, were under Cloth of State
This King enthron'd; great Lords and Ladys by
Much Naked they were, tho part did shrouded lye;
From bottom of their Wast down to their Knee
Silk Garments worn, large, Loose withal and free,
Small Panes conjoyn'd; did divers Colours shew:
Short Buskins each, Sandals on feet below.
Wreath'd Stuffs went round his Head, brave Flap behind:
View'd Taudry Quoif for Hers which flaunting shin'd.
Drawn near, the Man's stretch'd Prostrate on the ground;
Whilst th' Haughty King (Triumphant Garb then Crown'd)
Trod on his Sable neck, like Threshold laid,
The Woman, last, along the Floor display'd;
When Sister caus'd, with those great Ladies there
To tread on Hers, that they might Brag where-e'er,
They Trampled on a Queen: Examples prov'd
Of Fortune's change; late like to Rocks unmov'd,
Now from their Thrones cast down (sad Wars event)
By th' Conqueror did Footstools represent.
Then Glancing forth, two thousand Black-moors Bow'd
In Ranks beneath, like sad Captived Croud.
Three days dissolv'd, great Marriage Celebration
Performed was, Chief Persons of that Nation;
His Sister Bride, with choice, Grand Favorite,
Prime Lord conjoyn'd; which we shall strait recite.
When Sister, Daughter of a King to Wed
Subject was pleas'd, new way 'twas ordered,
Form singular; unless the Bridegroom found
O'th' Royal Blood, so march'd on equal ground.
Princess her self there Paragon esteem'd
For body, Face; that Lord transcendent seem'd.
I'th' Morn their Marriage was at Dinner plac'd,
Her Table near the King's like Princess grac'd,
Silk Canopy; whilst greater Ladies tho
(Distance between) as Guests were Rang'd below;
The Bride-groom came, fine Napkin large did bear,
Chief Carver's Task perform'd in Duty there
Till second Course was brought; the Princess then
Carv'd him thereof, same daintiest meat agen.


Drank unto him through Wifely Kindness, last,
Which he did Pledge: so with that choice Repast
Taking his Leave, new Carver for the Board,
To joyning Room withdraws where Table stor'd;
Lords, Courtier-guests; he took the highest end,
First on her Morsel feeds; who strait did send
Large boul of Wine as third Conjugal Favour,
In which he drank her Health with pleasing savor;
That done by all to rude loud Musicks sound:
For th' Afternoon some Masque-like shews were found.
When Bed-time came, the Bridegroom (Formal sight,
As Chamberlain's great place) bare Waxen light,
And Pot of choice Perfumes before the Bride
To th' Chamber door; with Reverence comply'd:
Then to some Lady gave, not far withdraws.
She entred there; undrest, by Marriage Laws.
Laid first in Bed, she rang small Silver Bell;
To th' Bridegroom Summons 'twas (her Virgin-knell
Might be conceiv'd) who forth most bravely pranc'd,
Loose Garment worn, to her Beds feet advanc'd.
Then Naked crept in there, with Blind-fold Art,
Did Travel thus by every prostrate Part
O'th' Female world, which should Subdue, enjoy:
To th' Pillow come, She Rising strait (less Coy)
Conjugal Kiss vouch-safe'd, exalting so
His humbleness; who then might bolder grow.
For th' Evening part (which touch'd before alone)
Masque-like Device, by them thought Rare, was shewn.
Where th' King himself conjoyn'd, not Vizarded;
Spectatress chief the Bride, over whose head
View'd Cloth of State; Young Bridegroom at her Feet:
Whereto (Grand Favour there) Zelmanza sweet
Was brought, convey'd, plac'd 'mongst the Nobler Train;
That might behold his Active Parts and Brain;
Thence more Enamour'd prove for wanton Fire
Match well his Kingly heat, sublime Desire.
Rude fashion'd Scene beheld, for Wood pourtray'd,
Rocks on each hand, which Wildest shew display'd.
Thence five Black-Moors cloath'd middle Part, appear,
Whilst Gaudy Toys th' Arms, Legs adorned there;
With Truncheons each; led tame Baboon in string
(Most jovial Way) strait fastned to a Ring:


Then joyn'd in Antick Dance, which Ruder Part
They could well do, perform by Nature's art;
That done did all their comely Beast surround,
Strange Postures us'd to stranger Musick sound:
Whilst that danc'd in the midst (tho Brutish Fashion)
Taught so before, still true to's constant Station.
Last came five Tawney-Moors, Morocco-kind,
Their Truncheons held aloft, as tho inclin'd
For th' Angry Stroke (skin clad, fierce Roaring Boys)
Who joyned with th' other five to Musick-noise,
In Skirmish-Dance; their Truncheons knock'd to Tune,
Till drove the Black-moors forth, Triumphant soon:
Then danc'd about that Beast of largest Size,
Which hal'd away like goodly Conquer'd Prize.
Then came the King; six Servitors before,
With choice perfuming Pots, who midst the Floor
Fell off one either hand, eight stalk behind:
Great Persons saw, strange, glistring Robes design'd.
He danc'd alone, would like himself appear;
Now up did lead to ruder consort there,
Those joyned Pairs, then down, then on the side;
I'th' midst withal shew'd frisking, lofty Pride:
Such us'd his Lords, some vulgar Forms beheld,
Like plainer Country-dance, tho there excell'd.
Last, Herald's voice pronounc'd in bawling way,
The King was Foreign Prince; pass'd nigh that day
Their Glorious Court, and so was pleas'd to be
Kind sharer in this Grand Solemnity.
Whilst drooping Glance Zelmanza cast on all,
Foregoers thought to th' Maiden Funeral.
His Royal Person then did strait advance,
Took forth the Bride for gallant Country Dance;
Fantastick Jig might seem; which being ended,
To take the Bridegroom forth she condescended.
He next took Lady there, she chose a Lord;
That Ruder half dispatch'd, by joyn'd accord
They fell to mixed Dance, where best was shewn
Their jumping Art: his highness seiz'd the Throne.
This Dancing done, their Tast contentment shar'd
With th' Eye and Ear, Choice Banquet being prepar'd.
To which the Bride, great Ladies also mov'd;
Zelmanza, last (grand, second Favour prov'd)


Was brought along; like Rose conjoyn'd wiih them
'Mongst Champain Flowers, midst Beads of Glass the Gem.
Tho Qualmish then for th' Tast, as dancing sight;
Sad Reason, Fear close Damp to Sense-delight;
View'd thier preserves, then stranger Faces round,
Did touch, tho scarcely eat; hearts Grief profound.
Each wanton Glance thought mortal Dart to be,
Directed from his Tauny Majesty;
Who Drank to her (choice honour meant) for cloze
Transcendent Acts, ne'er us'd before to those
Slave-Concubines; but Private way retir'd.
Bred Wonder, Envy both, (so strange, admir'd)
I'th' Female Croud; one She 'bove all the Rest,
Whose Father Second Lord, (of late Deceast)
Within the Realm; took next the Bride-groom the place.
Who being indifferent for Tawny Face,
Good Countenance, brave, Gallant Limbs combin'd;
Most Proud thereof; Ambitious Lofty mind;
Through some grand Favours by the King bestow'd,
Had thoughts of being Queen; nor Dream it shew'd:
Her Fancy could in confidentest way
Grasp Royal Crown, ascend the Throne that day,
Obeisance made by all: turn'd Jealous now
Zelmanza might be she, her Greatness Bow
(So others fear'd) to thing by Fortune brought;
That White, Outlandish Baggage call'd, in thought
Resolved was, Death's Bride she should become,
E're prove the Queen; for Bed cold Marble Tomb.
Young, Noble Lord, for Person handsom fram'd
Well Featur'd last, much more did Burn, Inflam'd
With Love of Her; grown Jealous of the King,
Those Beams of Noon to th' Twilight's glimmering.
Since strange she seem'd of late, shewed Disregard:
If Truth confirm'd, tho wanted Heart so hard
To Kill his Sovereign, himself that hour
Resolv'd to Die; such Love's strong, fatal pow'r:
Since oft observ'd, where Moral honesty,
Nor setled strength o're-rules, that Men will be
Revengeful found on such as cross, oppose
Or Act their Wrath upon themselves, for cloze.
That Violence 'mongst Tawny Brood discovers,
And Black-moors too, like European Lovers.


Their Banquet done, Zelmanza in a Barge
Was strait convey'd to her Arabian's charge,
I'th' Womens House; whose private Chamber more
Consorted with her Grief than Courtly floor;
Tho Birds enthrall'd more Blissful seem'd to be,
Sung, Chanted oft in Cage-Captivity.
One Week o'repast, her Eunuch-Guardian
The King imploy'd, since prov'd ingenious Man,
Good Painter found, her Face to draw, pourtray;
Fine Tablet size, contracted Form; did say,
He would her Picture have, Night cloath'd for Bed;
Now in the Prime ere lost her Maiden-head:
Which he perform'd, tho tedious Task it shew'd
In poor Zelmanza's thoughts, long Hours bestow'd;
That shade since should like Harbinger fore-run
Substance it self; through his vile grasp undone:
Till Beg'd the Workman oft for pleasing Face,
Kind, Chearful Glance, least caus'd his Arts disgrace:
Nor Credit all, might forfeit, loose that Hand
Through Pencill's fault, by th' Tyrant's Mood, command.
Zelmanza thus for Wanton strength, delight
Was choicely Fed; Venerial appetite;
Tho pamper'd Maid but for the Shambles seem'd,
His Royal Couch and Arms no better deem'd.
She number'd oft both Nights and Days (sad sum)
Like Men Condemn'd till th' Execution come.
No hopeful Daun t'avoid, escape descry'd
But the King's Death; then Slave to th' next beside.
Last mournful Night, then troubled Fancy well
Might keep awake (each lodg'd in Christal cell)
Those Lovely Eyes, choice Gems in silver cases,
Yet gentle Sleep o'repower'd with soft imbraces,
And Soak'd them both long time in Slumbring Dew;
As pity'd for that Night which should ensue,
Grasp'd by the Moore Rest long might there forsake;
Whose Lustful Arms conceiv'd Tormenting Rack.
Sleep fled by Seven, last Virgin-day allow'd,
When wish'd bright Skies o're-veil'd with Sable Cloud;
The Sun close Mourner turn'd (who gilds the Glass
With gaudy Beams) like her sad Brest, alas!


Choice Bathing was for th' Afternoon design'd,
Every third day observ'd; This tho combin'd
With heightning Sweets, more wanton Sense to please;
Which would breed Qualms in her (she thought) Disease.
Next; curious Smock perfum'd she should put on;
Like Shroud conceiv'd, her Winding-sheet anon.
Meant for his Bed. Prime Night-cloaths then should wear;
Which through Conceit caus'd loathsom Head-ach there;
Morocco's daintiest Garb. Drest (beauteous Maid)
When th' Evening came, she should be Veil'd, convey'd
To th' Lodgings of the King, Court-meal, repast
For Supper joyn'd; to's Royal Bed at last.
Each Fancy saw. (like Mournful Scene beheld)
As Cloud no way but by his death dispell'd;
Tho poor Zelmanza thought not of her own,
Same Day Resolv'd; sad, Tragick Point, unknown.
That great, young Lady whom we mentioned,
Through Jealous thoughts, proud Heart Distemper bred
(Brindota call'd) much heightned too their Rage,
Zelmanza's Form when heard (more bad Presage)
For Tablet drawn; with Gems adorn'd, most bright;
She vow'd her Death before their coupling night:
Lest Fonder Mood that time the Match conclude;
Or else remain still Guest at Court, delude
Her hopes ere long: choice Means, convenient found
For Actor, took; whereof thus prov'd the Ground.
Women they us'd, Cooks places some enjoy'd
For th' Concubines; whilst others were imploy'd
In carrying up; wash'd Cloaths, made their Bed;
Serv'd th' Eunuchs too, their Quarters limited.
That Landress, which did tend Zelmanza fair,
Her Eunuch both, had Girl (Temptation snare)
Who this great Lady serv'd, preferment high;
Her self in Want withal found large Supply:
Whom visiting the Lady in private Room,
Oath pass'd for Secrecy, Zelmanza's Doom.
Thus told, declar'd: would have this Dining meal
To Poison her, which she might temper well
With her choice Broth; 'twould work midst second hour;
When close Lock'd up, fear'd no complaining Pow'r.
Soon striking Dead. Tho, when enjoy'd by th' King,
Free leave for Gallery, brave furnish'd thing.


Garden high-wall'd below, Moat round howere;
No Bathing Task till Four performed there.
Face Drawn withal, Landress beheld the same;
So kept, reserv'd: Thus, when 'bout Four she came
With th' Eunuch, those things brought, Zelmanza Dead;
She should admire: Some Appoplex i'th' Head,
Impostume broke might cause that speedy Fate
(In Words conjoyn'd) since she would point of late
To that, and Throat sometimes, large Golden sum
Now promis'd Her, choice place when Queen become.
This Woman prov'd hard Heart, besides those Great
Ingagements past, to come; the Poisnous Feat,
Tho Murther 'twas, could not deny, refuse;
That way applauds, her utmost Care would use;
The Poison took; her Daughter (last) must not
Be told, inform'd, kept, stranger to the Plot.
Zelmanza, whilst lay musing under Cloud
That Morn through Virgin-fears, to Sorrow bow'd;
She heard the Door unlock'd, which startled her;
Thought strange that Hour: soft way, without Demur
That Eunuch entring; more serious Eyes,
As tho the Brain did weightier thoughts comprize;
Which startled more: He pray'd her nimbly then
To Rouse, be Drest. What Cause? said She agen:
Madam (He joyned) I come to set you free;
Your Honour sav'd withal, and Chastity;
Freed too my self, next Life great'st Satisfaction;
If You'l be Rul'd. What Danger in the Action?
Kind Sir, said she again; None valuable,
He strait reply'd; Tho Fortune proves unstable:
You must be lock'd within that larger Chest
For safe Convoy: So, told her all the rest.
The Lady thought 'twas hopeful way, and yet
Found Horror in the same; joyn'd Trembling Fit:
Loth to Decline, nor tedious pause allow'd,
She's ready strait; Silk under-Robe for shroud,
Then Persian Mantle worn, with nightly Dress,
Which well became; shew'd sweet in heaviness.
Sad, drooping thoughts howere, that darksom Room,
When enter'd first, least might presage her Tomb.
Lock'd fast She was, like Beauteous Corps, some fine
Choice Jewel there, resplendent Silver Mine.


Door Lock'd withal, He Marched down from thence
For th' main Exploit of solemn Consequence.
This Eunuch, when some two years past Captiv'd,
By th' King's command of Manly parts depriv'd,
Soon Gelded was; of Sanguine Temper fram'd;
Prov'd Wanton, Amourous; thus therefore Tam'd.
Of Life's chief Joy, contentment Rob'd as 'twere,
'Twas Butchers Act conceiv'd. Nay, Guarded there
His sportful Flesh in Concubinal Station;
Oft saw, but ne'r enjoy'd, grand aggravation.
Wherefore, if could of this choice Gem debar
(Whom Piti'd much, born Neighbour too) so far
Cheat his desires, Revengeful Stab it seem'd:
Freedom conjoyn'd withal, most dear esteem'd.
That Bondage more (stout Heart) didained thus,
Since Baser Nation prov'd, term'd Barbarous:
Nay more, his Friend their Master-Eunuch late
Advanced was, and One whom This did hate,
First under-Eunuch, should i'th' Room succeed.
That very Morn, ten for their Hour agreed,
Cart should bear forth his various Furniture
(More than what Goods to th' Place belong'd) thing sure,
Known certain 'twas; from which concordant chance
Strong, chearful Ground did fainter Hope advance.
Great Roman Lord Ambassador beside,
Philarchus call'd, did there as then Reside;
Prime Person, Parts, most Noble temper'd Brest,
Who Travel'd Persia long; their Speech exprest.
Imploy'd for State-Affairs, unpleasing Jar
Caus'd by this King, which might produce a War.
Should now return, provok'd in high Degree;
For Rome was then in her Minority;
Like spreading Branch, th' Italian Queen, no more:
Contest with these maintain'd, as Quarrels store
With Carthage had, North-Eastern Clime to them;
This Rul'd South-West, worn Powerful Diadem.
That very Noon he should his Barque ascend,
So th' Eunuch heard, might their Escape befriend.
Thus, Morn before day slunk to th' Lord Disguis'd,
Old Coat, false Hair, Beard Roman-like (devis'd
For such exploits) clapt on abroad, close laid;
The Lord himself could Persian speak, we said.


Zelmanza's Form, drawn for the King, was brought,
Face, Bodies half, strong tempting ground, as thought:
In private Room th' whole Plot unveil'd, descry'd;
Lords Daughter 'twas, great Neighbour born, beside:
Her Brother known to th' Lord on Persian Ground,
When Travel'd there, being much ingaged, bound
By friendly League; then shew'd her lovely Shade;
Fine Persian Garb, choice Nightly Dress pourtray'd.
'Twas Sorrow's draught, much more might Pleased move;
She, Virtuous Spouse (Informed) as fair would prove.
Prime, Noble Act, howe're; if chanc'd to find
Some sturdy Servitor, fit strength combin'd,
He th' Hands and Face could Tauny turn by Art;
Black, frizled Hair, Frock brought for Porters part:
High, Monstrous Walls, deep Moat beyond there lay,
Unpassable, through th' Gate their only way.
The Lord bred Noble thoughts, much Piti'd there
Her Goodness, Beauty joyn'd, sad Virgin-fear
Th' obliging Bond by which to th' Brother ty'd,
When Stranger trod their Persian Soil, beside.
Last place believ'd he could produce prime Man
For Porters Task, as told the Guardian:
Yet was dispos'd, from whence she came should be
Kept from his Train; the Eunuch did strait agree.
Base Rogues (he said) did both of them enthrall,
No Prize of War; then sold for Slaves withal.
Conjoyned thus; would He but leave afford
Himself might come with Chest of Goods on board,
'Bout Twelve or One; or if hard Chance prevented,
When th' Evening came (to which the Lord assented)
Barque Lanched forth, he could in publick fashion
(Thanks given the Lord) make this devis'd Relation.
That driven by Storm, some while there Landing then
For needful Cause, their frighted Country-men
Through fearful haste (alarm'd) left them on Shore,
Partly withdrawn; when thought of Slavish Whore,
Like dreadful Rack Zelmanza terrifying,
Or Poison'd for their Gold;himself complying;
By th' Roman also told, One great in pow'r
Would seize on them for Spies, and her Deflow'r:
Like Chest of Goods he strait convey'd her thus,
Through that Friend aid, their Lodging Dangerous,


The Lord seem'd pleased, strait called up to th' Room
One that in Persia served him, his Groom;
Strong back'd was known, stout heart withal, of free,
Ingenious Brain; given Oath for Secresie,
Th' whole Plot disclos'd; if well brought off the Prize,
He should to place of Wealth, advancement rise;
Mean while large Golden Sum; 'twas ample Wages:
Whilst th' Eunuch there to own the stealth ingages;
As hir'd that Man for Chest of Goods no more:
The Groom conjoyn'd on that adventurous Score.
Left daubing stuff, whereby with ease he might.
(Black, short curl'd Hair) seem Moorish chang'd o're Night.
Next Morn Frock us'd, ty'd Porters Cord, and Sack,
Well-colour'd too, that Groom with Lusty Back,
'Tween Seven and Eight, to Cloister did repair
(Shewn him last night, such was the Eunuch's care)
Dark, skulking Place near th' House of Concubines;
Viewing their Gate; most fit for such Designs;
Whence saw all Passengers, should lurking there
Watch well that Cart for carriage did appear.
Nine's Hour at hand, that Cart came marching by
To bear the Captains Goods, two Porters nigh,
Attending it; their Gate being open spread,
Groom follow'd strait, behind the Cart did tread,
Like Moorish, Porter imploy'd; pass'd freely through,
Entring their Court, much cheared, rejoyced too
(Few then observing ought, not least suspected)
He th' Eunuch soon descry'd, by Glance reflected
Upon his Window there (thing ordered so)
Which view'd the Court, and Gate; close place below:
There met by th' Eunuch was, to th' Lady's Room
Conducted then, Short, Private way to whom
Did prove by chance; Rap given for sign (tho small)
Porter was brought, he's lock'd in too withal.
Down the Eunuch walk'd again, for second part,
To's Window there, till Loaden saw the Cart;
When driving on, lock'd fast his Chamber door,
With nimble Foot did mount Zelmanza's Floor.
Entring whose Room, door lock'd, well Corded found
That Chest besides; Rap given for warning sound
'Twas bearing forth (th' agreement so) in hast
Fix'd on that Roman's Back, securely plac'd;


No Noise ore-heard, clear way when peeping through,
March forth, he said; Door nimbly locking too.
Some thoughts, at first, to bring Her forth by Night,
Drest in Man's cloaths; great Dangers tho did Fright.
Thus, down the Stairs Zelmanza strait was born,
Next through the Court; bedew'd with Tears that Morn.
Her Coffin-wall; each Moorish voice, as said,
Down there, and search that Chest, her thoughts dismay'd.
Th' Eunuch come nigh (large Wicket known) to th' Gate,
With angry Words inform'd the Porter strait,
Their Captains Cart was gone, Chest left behind,
They must o'retake the same: shew'd Troubled mind.
Th' are not gone far; the Porter cry'd withal:
Had drank large Draught that Morn, grand Festival:
Well knew, that Eunuch 'twas by th' Captain Favour'd;
With Cart the Porter came; thus nothing waver'd,
Unlock'd it there. Being marched through, more Free,
Third Rap he gave; for Sign ordain'd, that She
Had pass'd the Gate; which seem'd like Musick sound
Unto her Ear, as chearful Cordial found
To th' pleased Heart; Life-spirits rouz'd from thence,
Sad Qualm altho, fear'd Stormy consequence;
Since She conceiv'd much clouded Fate remain'd;
More windings in that Dangerous Maze contain'd.
Reach'd that dark Hole where left, he strait put on
That Coat, Hair, Beard, turn'd Roman-like, unknown.
They Walk'd not far till had prospective View,
Of open Place, where sight appear'd, grand Crew,
Which made him Stare; the King beheld withal
His Courtly Train, that day choice Festival.
Then marched to th' Temple prov'd for Sacrifice
Unto their God, since late Victorious Prize;
That Black-moor King and Queen, enslaved Crowd:
Sad Glance howere by th' Eunuch was allow'd.
First Oxen went, brave Gilded Hoofs and Horns;
Ribbon each Neck with Garland too adorns.
Then Courtiers came, Great Lords, his Majesty
Mounted behind on Beast of Barbary;
Gay Foot-cloth shewn; th' Umbrella such, large spread,
Least scorch'd his Tawny Cheeks born o're his head.
Footmen and Guard in gaudy Coats descry'd;
With painted Bows and Darts, on either side.


The Princess next, in Gallant Charret drawn,
Fine colour'd Robe; her Scarf of Cobweb-Lawn,
Wrought with Silk Flowers and Gold: whilst in the Rere,
That Royal One Triumphant did appear;
Eight Black-moor Slaves like harness'd Beasts compell'd,
Whose squinting Glance the dreadful Whip beheld.
Th' Eunuch was cloy'd, that Hour, for Moorish show
When first perceiv'd, least stop'd, surprised so;
Soon Turned off. Few Lanes in nimbler sort
Being marched through, clear way to their Sea-port,
Fourth Rap he gave, which sound proclaim'd that She
Now reach'd the open Fields (that Sign should be
By both observ'd) much cheer'd her gentle Heart;
Less Pantings now; small Hole through th' upper part
Gave purer Ayre, she thought, more pleasing Breath;
Though still did Range Confines (as 'twere) of Death.
For, marching on, new Sight did startle, invade
His watchful Sence, beneath broad Beaches shade
Eight sturdy Moors descry'd (not far from All,
One chanc'd to know) that Gladsom Festival.
Triumphant met; some Drinking were, did soak
Their Tawny throats, whilst others danc'd to stroke
Of Instrument, did Rudely beat the Ground;
Wild, Antick Dance as prov'd their Musick-sound:
Shouts joyned oft. These things observ'd and Fear'd;
Worse through their Ranting, Drunken Mood appear'd;
Tho trod less used Path, he stragled more
So, Stalk'd along, till reach'd the Blissful Shore.
Fifth Rap then gave, whose Voice Zelmanza taught,
She now, at length to th' Roman Barque was brought:
Heart Dancing through that's pleasing Melody;
Pure Blood refin'd did mount withal more free
Her Christal Cheeks; now Light would Bless her Eyes,
When from that Chest as from the Grave should rise.
The Lord's inform'd, receiv'd him strait from Shore
As-Friend to th' Groom, resolv'd upon before;
That Precious Chest like Goods withall Aboard,
His Gallant Barque tho thought with Beauty stor'd.
This Business done, convenient Gale of Wind,
They Launched forth for Northern Course design'd;
When th' Eunuch told that former fram'd Relation,
(Mindful of Fair Zelmanza's Restauration)


In Publick sort to th' Lord, as was agreed:
Who seem'd well pleas'd the Lady so was freed
From Danger's jaws, commands t'unlock the Chest:
Zelmanza when being Rouz'd, with chearful Brest,
Call'd all her Beams into her Radiant Eyes;
So Morning Sun from th' World beneath doth Rise.
Which Beauty there like fairest Coin beheld,
With Virtue's stamp (conceiv'd unparallel'd)
Charm'd all his Thoughts; whilst th' Eyes with love o'erflow;
Whence She might view the wounded Heart below.
Himself by her thought Rare Accomplish'd Man;
Who stooping strait, like Gentle Guardian,
To raise her up, Saluting then, did sound
Her Language forth, which learn'd on Persian Ground.
Madam (said he) Y'are welcome to the Day,
Which doth, as 'twere, your Beauteous Form Pourtray;
To Freedom, last. My Lord (her Answer so)
Both chear my Heart; great change for Beauty tho
That Stifling Chest, tormented thoughts beside
May cause, produce. Madam (the Lord reply'd)
Your Cheeks Triumphant prove, so fresh appear,
As slumber'd on soft Bed of Roses there.
(Kiss'd strait her Hand) I hope you will believe
Y'are now secure, tho sadly'st late might Grieve,
Under my Charge, whilst Rang'd this Watry Floor
(Next powr's Divine) as 'mongst your Friends before.
Choice Country men. My Lord (Zelmanza said)
Such Noble worth there seems thus far display'd
That I may hope to find in you dear Brother,
Locrinus Lost. Madam, that Name's another.
Obliging Bond; said he (Your Virtue One)
My Self to him good while Ingaged, known
On Persian Ground. So, taking Her by th' hand,
He pray'd She would his Cabbin use, Command:
Conducted Her. Hot Waters strait were brought,
Cordial Restoratives; convenient thought.
(Long, dreadful Qualm endur'd) to chear her Spirits:
Shewn Choice regard, so high Zelmanza's Merits.
Small pause, their Dinner came, handsom Repast;
Fine, pleasant Room for th' Lady-guest at last.
The Lord sate down, that Eunuch too, their Friend;
Zelmanza, Mistriss like, must take Board's end,


Adorn'd the same: whilst curious Artist there
Touch'd sweetly Roman Harp, to please her Ear.
Dinner being done, She pray'd, She might (for cloze)
Her shaken Limbs on Bed sometime Repose;
And Calm withal her late Distemper'd Brest
(Where strange disorder'd Thoughts) through gentle Rest:
Silk Roman Couch (the Lord's) at hand, in view;
Who taking leave, in Civil sort withdrew.
Laid down thereon, She slept some pleasing hours,
Till frightful Dream of loath'd Morocco's Tow'rs,
The Tyrant's Bed, Imbrace discharg'd her Sense,
Wak'd her again; felt Deaths assault from thence:
When musing say (now twice Redeem'd, as 'twere)
On her Grand Change, past, present Fortune there:
As for the King, when News was brought anon,
Th' Eunuch and She (Doors open broke) were gon;
Amazement seiz'd: Porter with Oaths deny'd,
Such pass'd the Gate; nor by others Mark'd, descry'd:
In th' Eunuch's Room withal, for Pleasure made,
They Picture fram'd Hobgoblin strange Pourtray'd,
Which his Familiar's shape was thought conceiv'd;
By th' Laundress's mouth, Ly nimbly weav'd;
Who said (when peeping through) she saw him stand
Last Night near Twelve, with small black Book and Wand,
For th' Porters sake; thus bred appear'd strong Fancy,
That She was Conjur'd forth by Negromancy:
And that of Late, he try'd that Magick Art,
To free Himself, conjoyn'd Zelmanza's part.
Wherefore the King, storm past of Rage, disdain
(Witch, squeamish Baggage term'd) Town scar'd in vain;
Tho fed more High through late conceit, that night
Would th' Africk Princess grasp for known delight:
(Here's Royal Flesh, did Brag confirm'd) that so
He might not want good pleasing Bedfellow.
Tho large Choice there, both Fair and Brown beheld,
But courser Form; Zelmanza's far excell'd.
That Lady, next: whose proud, aspiring Mind
Decree'd Zelmanza's Fate; when all combin'd
To serve her Turn, hope's lofty'st elevation;
Her Lids were drawn awry in strangest fashion,
Soon afterwards; th' Eyes staring made that hour,
Looks Horrid grown, malignant Humour's pow'r.


Shew'd Branded thus by Heaven, since sought to blast
Anothers Beauty, Life withal, at last.
Hopes of the King, like Dream, or Vapour fled;
Lord-Servant to, once deeply enamoured.
Now on the Couch Zelmanza claims your Eye,
Who, having kept her thoughts compos'd thereby,
For th' Eunuch call'd, who enter'd strait: did then
That Dreadful Mornings Maze range o'er agen
In Talk, Discourse; Morocco's loathsom Ground,
Some time dissolv'd, the Lord admittance found.
After Salute to th' chast Zelmanza there,
He hop'd (conjoyn'd) that Bed, how mean soe'er,
For Travel us'd (by his own self beside)
Offended not, nor Slumbers calm deny'd.
She answer made; that harmless Couch was free
From such Offence, like her own Fantasie,
(No bad Infection there) gave kind Repose
The Lord with Smile declar'd, He should from those
Good Omen draw, since slept upon his Bed;
To which with Blush, no more, She answered.
Kissing her Hand, ere long the Lord withdrew;
Whilst those, well-pleas'd, did former Talk renew.
When Supper came, they joyn'd in neat Repast;
Till bed-time stay'd the Lord; to th' very last:
Zelmanza then must needs accept, command
His Chamber, Bed, small Cabin near at hand
Himself would take, lodg'd Guardian-like appear'd;
To which gave way, sin he was Master there.
Calmly the choice Zelmanza slept thereon,
Whilst seem'd to Rock, not Rouling Waves alone,
But gentle Winds to Lull her Brain asleep;
Untill the Sun long gilt the watry Deep.
And Glass'd him there; gave fair Zelmanza's Eyes
(Light's smaller Orbs) good-morrow from the Skies.
Well drest by Nine, the Eunuch had leave to enter,
Call'd strait by Name; tho formerly dar'd venture
With boldest Foot; the Lord would wait, forbear:
Short Pause observ'd, did thus Salute her there:
Madam, I hope, you well have Nature paid
Her Slumbring Debt, midst darksome Nightly Shade,
If Winds and Seas disturbed not. My Lord,
(Said she again) both joyn'd in Friendly accord


Did Sleep advance; my self withal to those
Long time Companion prov'd, tost Bed's repose:
Troubled how'er, your Lordship was discharg'd
From your own Couch. When he thus Speech enlarg'd;
Good Madam, please t'o're-pass that Complement,
Your sadness mine becomes, least discontent.
Both sitting down, the Lord with Lovers Eyes,
Which mutely spoke, whilst th' Heart did symphathize,
Proceeded thus: Pray (Madam) think, conclude,
Y'are Mistriss of this Taller Barque (tho rude)
Grand Train, my self; us of that Roman Bed;
Queen of my Heart. Zelmanza answered;
Your Friend, my Lord, that name conjoyn'd shall be
Great Honour thought. Transcendent worth (said he)
Madam, like Your's deserves that Mistriss-style
O'er Kings themselves. When she with sober smile:
Enough my Lord, perform'd; what's Noble, brave;
To Freedom's height advanc'd dejected Slave.
Choice Title bears, tho You should add no more;
Which Heav'n, I hope, will pay like gallant Score:
With Prime of Joy's Reward. When he agen;
Your Virtue 'twas ingag'd my thoughts as then
To that exploit, whate'er. Were that the Ground,
My Lord (she said) yet none but Brest Renown'd
Would so take part on falling Virtue's side;
Your Praise thereby Proclaim'd. The Lord reply'd;
Worth, Madam, may shew powerful Influence
Where Lustful Heart; tho in that wanton Sense
If Guilty ought, I should not Court your Love:
For Wages, last, choice Blessing from above
Your self appears: You shine that Regent Star
Which Rules in me, hath steer'd (as 'twere) thus far
My Gentle thoughts; and now the Haven prove
Of grateful Joys whereto their Barque do's move.
Pardon, my Lord (said she) this Virgin-Brest
If scarce your mind conceives, in words exprest.
That Dark, Mysterious Way, the Lord again,
Madam, (reply'd) then I shall speak more plain,
Cloath'd like Sun-Beams; I love with Heart entire;
You for my Spouse in Marriage joyn'd desire,
When Blushing strait, You speak, my Lord (said she)
There plain enough; altho how Cautiously


For your own Interest, Good Wifely Choice
Doth Question prove. That Self-arraigning Voice,
Madam (he then) doth charge my Judgment thus,
Which I conceiv'd exact and curious
For Body, Mind withal. My Lord (she said)
There hangs a Lute, may't thence be known, displaid,
Whether your Tongue be match'd by skilfull hand?
That wants no speaking Art. Through which Demand,
The Lord Observ'd, shewn pausing thoughts, intent
To wave some time that Wooing Argument:
Lute taken down, Madam (said then) your Will
Thus far o'resways, whatere my Ruder skill.
Warbled forth pleasant Strains performing so
What th' Artful Hand, well-Languag'd Ayrs could show.
With pleasing smile, Madam conjoyned there,
Methinks, those daintiest Fingers should appear
Musitians too (Lute held forth on the Board)
Teach mine, improve. These hands shall wait, my Lord.
Rather (said She) on yours, learn more from thence;
Those Master-like: Shew'd Female Excellence.
So choicely plaid her Lute might seem to be
That Timber Womb gave Life to Harmony.
Madam (he said) methinks that Voice withal
Should match the Hand, whose Speech sounds Musical.
Both mean alike, my Lord, (said she agen)
Long joyn'd at last, far more transporting then;
Prime Gestures us'd, whilst Voice and Beauty so
Did heightned by themselves, advanced shew,
Dinner being come, since pleas'd his Ear and Sight,
Zelmanza next should her own Tast delight;
Choice Wines command: that done; each want supply'd,
The Lord altho in thoughts unsatisfi'd:
He (all withdrawn, but th' Eunuch-friend) pursu'd
His former Aim, that Love-Assault renewd:
Thus strait began; Madam, my last request
I now shall Raise again, this Lovers Brest,
Whilst calm abroad, doth swelling Sea appear,
Till your kind Grant allays the Surges there;
Tost Barque my Heart, when forced to discover
Pure, Crimson Blush so fervent seem'd her Lover;
My Lord (said she) I'm yet but Veiled shewn,
So strange to you for th' Wifely Choice unknown;


Your Noble Heart may split perchance become
On Marriage-Rocks; Wed Discontent at Home.
Madam (He said) in you those Virtues shine,
Like Heaven of Stars clear Firmament combine;
That fixt I am, resolv'd. She answered;
Such worth, my Lord, rather adorns your Head
Like Wreath of Beams, my thoughts may well propound,
That I should choose upon the surer Ground.
Dear Madam, (then said He) for I'll take hold,
Last Words so gently breath'd; he kind and bold,
Conjoyn for cloze, 'Tis Truth, my Lord, (She said)
You Harbour'd thus, when lost, enslaved Maid,
So bound me Your's (if worth the claim, howere)
That Thraldom, Death conceiv'd, next, Strumpet there;
Those worst of Ills; How can I then Deny,
Seek Courting Forms. Philarchus made Reply;
Sweet Madan then, since Love strange fears o'recloud,
Bind all contractive way. Which she allow'd;
Tho Blush'd in Grane. Before the Eunuch past
Ingaging Vows; with Kiss Confirm'd at last.
Here th' Eunuch beg'd withdrawing leave, should go
And drink kind, Friendly Glass (th' agreement so)
With that Comrade in Danger Roman Groom,
Who Persian spoke; departs withall the Room.
New Crimson Flood when drowned strait (as 'twere)
Zelmanza's Cheeks, th' Escutcheons blazed there.
Of Modesty, conjoyn'd with Virgin-Love;
Thus left alone; tho Spouse Philarchus prove.
Who first with Eyes, in Glance, Tongues pleasing strain,
Next, clasped Arms his Lover's Charge began;
Then, Kisses Seal'd, each like to Balmy Dart:
Whence chiefly spoke the Language of his Heart
Hers gently answer'd there, contracting Vow
Did Charter late, choice Priviledge allow.
For then She seem'd in large Degree his Own,
First Fruits might Reap gather'd from Lips alone,
Midst which transported thoughts would there express,
Drop Latin Words sometimes: when She no less
Fine Persian spake, in answer to that other;
Seeming to understand thus one another:
Thence pleased both, till finding their mistake,
Laugh'd at themselves, as from some Dream awake.


Did Kisses strait, with Language joyn'd, renew;
Tho talk'd in Persian all, which either knew:
Kind Dialogues contentful way exchanging
(Such Virtuous wantonness) no farther ranging,
Till four choice Hours, in private Cabin-room,
Dissolved were; as Tast of Joys to come.
When th' Eunuch call'd; the Lord himself retir'd
For some regards, his Spouse more lov'd, admir'd.
By fix that Even their Barque had Travell'd far,
Reach'd Midland Sea through Streights of Gibraltar.
'Twas Month of June; when, passing Cape of Land,
Two Ships they strait descri'd on their Right hand;
With Roman Flags, like Country-men, display'd;
Which drawing near, (as meant to Seize, Invade)
Set Carthage Flags aloft, like Mortal Foes,
Well Man'd they were for Fight and Bording Cloze.
Men fill'd their Decks, whose ugly Captain there
Zelmanza saw like Beauteous Blaze appear,
When Glanced forth; himself by her beheld;
More loathsom thought, as she with him excell'd
For Dainty Prize; inflam'd his Lustful Brest.
The Romans Arm'd for Fight themselves address'd,
With Gallant Lord, whilst poor Zelmanza fear'd;
In Clouds again, new dreadful Fate appear'd,
Still more observ'd this World's vast maze of Change,
Where Joy and Grief by turns do wander, range:
Night Day succeeds, doth mournful Scene present;
Late Comfort's Dawn, now Warlike Bows are bent:
Her Self, and Lord for Death, or Slaves design'd;
Grief most she thought did Seize on Humane kind.
Praid him in Sighs withdraw; who answered,
He fought for her; was their Commander, Head,
Example both; should freedom Heaven's deny,
He would in Thrall partake, or bravely Dye.
Th' Arrows began, each seeming Mortal Dart
Sent to her Lord, next, aim'd at her own Heart.
Few Roman's harm'd, because the Carthage-men,
Knowing their Ods, advanc'd for Grapling then
With all their Power; would try the Game by Sword:
These fiercely Shot, those strove drawn near to Board:
Th' Assault encreas'd on Fair Zelmanza's Score;
Philarchus's Wife, or th' Captain's Slave and Whore.


When blustring Storm, most Furious Blast did rise,
Like Jar 'tween Winds and Waves, o'er-clouded Skies;
Which broke off theirs, strait parted them asunder;
Now near to feed the Deep; loud claps of Thunder:
Barques tost like Balls upon the Foaming Main;
Some comfort 'twas her Lord enjoy'd again;
Tho, dreadful Thoughts, least should with her be drown'd,
Who cheer'd her Heart, did strait to Her propound
Hope's Anchor there; that freed from Barbarous Foes,
They now were left to Heaven's wise dispose.
Thus Both conjoyn'd fate waiting when the Waves
(Sharp Rocks, or Sands) might prove perchance their Graves.
Till hurl'd, at last upon th' Italian Shore,
Bad, Craggie part, where streams did beating Roar;
Split thence their Barque, with Planks the Waters swell'd
Like broken Limbs, third Dreadful Change beheld.
Those Romans there, since practis'd swimming Art
From Boyish Age, made towards that nearest part.
I'th' River's mouth; which way strong Winds constrain'd
The floating Waves (more ease) the Bank obtain'd.
Th' Eunuch, Hurt men got each their Friendly Board
(Like divers more) brought all to Land restor'd.
Zelmanza kept i'th' furthest end her Seat,
For Death's cold Rape prepar'd; like daintiest meat
For th' hungry Whale; Philarchus by her side:
Near Sinking now, through Streams o'er-whelming Pride,
Loud Scriek withal; the Lord, whose faithful Brest
Soft Groan conjoyn'd, Love, Sorrow thence exprest,
Laid down his Back; her Folded Arms were cast,
Like Christal Collar, Chain, in nimblest hast
About his Neck (most dear, Conjugal Gem)
So takes the Waves, as She Grasp'd Him with Them:
Life's Guardian thought, small Barge conceiv'd as 'twere,
Whilst th' Arms and Legs well formed Oars appear
(Her Face tho drenched oft) with Labour, toil
He sought that Bank fore-nam'd, whence Waves Recoil:
But Winds still driving on, like Helpful Hand,
That precious Load he brought most safe to Land.
Kiss'd off those Briny Drops (when gather'd Breath)
On her fair Lips and Cheeks, from Thraldom, Death
Thus freed, discharg'd; said there, he should requite
Her kind Imbrace upon his Wedding Night.


Who, dew'd with Pearl-like Tears of Joy again,
His Prize thrice o'er (declar'd) She should remain.
Then Servants came, congratulated round;
Who first that clearer way their passage found.
This Fortune joyn, the Lords (with many more)
Prime Box of Gold came floating to the Shore.
Philarchus and Zelmanza both were then
Franckly receiv'd by Neighbour Fishermen;
Large Village near to th' Roman Lords that Bow'd,
Whom Fires and Beds, strong Waters too allow'd.
Hard Couches soft that time appear'd, less plain;
Sweet, coarser Food; want curbing nice disdain.
Third Morn by Coach they trod the surer Land,
Reach'd Lofty Rome, which did that State command;
The Lord's own House, prime, gallant Seat beheld,
For Furniture, choice Garden, Grot excell'd.
Th' Event of his Ambassage being shewn
To th' Senate-Lords, both Married were, less known;
Philarchus when, transform'd that Water-bed
To Gorgeous Roman Couch (small Danger bred)
True waking Act, Zelmanza fair Imbrac'd
(Moroccoe's King in fondest Dreams) at last.
That Groom for Porters Hire Place Wealthy found,
Such th' Eunuch to, since Lov'd their Roman Ground.
The Lord Zelmanza last (like equal prize)
For Gallant Temper, rare did sympathize.
Ship Saild e're long for Athens, Grecian State;
Zelmanza's Brother where, since Flight of late
From Persia's King, with Uncle did reside;
Rich, Beauteous Heir enjoy'd withal for Bride:
To whom she Lines convey'd, tho thought her Dead;
Now to's great Friend conjoyn'd in Marriage-Bed:
Lines thence to th' Countess-Sister carried were,
In Arcadie, much pleas'd, rejoyced there.