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The louer in libertie smileth at them in thraldome, that sometime scorned his bondage.

At libertie I sit and see,
Them that haue erst laught me to scorne:
Whipt with the whip that scourged me,
And now they banne that they were borne.
I see them sit full soberlye,
And thinke their earnest lokes to hide:
Now in them selues they can not spye,
That they or this in me haue spied.

I see them sittyng all alone,
Markyng the steppes ech worde and loke:
And now they treade where I haue gone
The painfull pathe that I forsoke.
Now I see well I saw no whit,
When they saw well that now are blinde
But happy hap hath made me quit,
And iust iudgement hath them assinde.
I see them wander all alone,
And trede full fast in dredfull dout:
The selfe same pathe that I haue gone,
Blessed be hap that brought me out.
At libertie all this I see,
And say no worde but erst among:
Smiling at them that laught at me,
Lo such is hap marke well my song.