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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Canticorum iiijto: Surge, Aquilo, veni, Auster, & perfla, &c. Item spiritus sanctus lenis est Ad flatus demulcendum, &c.

Also þo blast þat Crist so blwe
quen his gost opon hom lyȝt
wos softe to make men hym to swe,
As oynement þat is mad ryȝt.
Of quiche spekes [Saynt] Iohn,
þat says þat Cristes enoyntyng
teches vs so-qwer we gon
to haue knawlage of all thyng.

Iohannis Tercio: Vnctio enim eius docet de omnibus, &c.

Also to dewe þat likened is,
ffor hit is softe in doun fallyng,
As in chirche is songen now þis,
In Latyn as I shall ȝow mynge:


Et sui roris intima Asperacione fecundet, &c.

Also hit lykened is to Ayr
þat softe is, As ȝe schyn see,
fforto Amende & noȝt enpair
he comes, for verray God is he.

Regum xxo: Et post ignem cibulus Aure tenus, & ibi dominus. Item necessarius est ad respirandum, &c.

An-other profet I may preue
Is with mouth of wynde comyng,
ffor hit is nedefull for to reve
swike þat mon has in schwyng,
& restor þo gost oȝayn
þat in þat tempest troublet is,
ffor in þat swyke he myȝt be slayn
And in wynde or blast tareyng is.
So fares hit by tho Holy Gost
þat in softe wynde so geuen was,
put hit oway þat helpes most,
to rekeuer mon þat fayles gras.

Aufers spiritum eorum & deficient. Item emitte spiritum tuum & creabuntur. Item Iohannis viijo: Spiritus est qui viuificat, &c.

Also þo Salme says wele her,
‘Send þi gost, lord, to þi men,
& made so in A new maner
thurgh þi vertu þai schyn be þen.’

De tercio quo tempore missus est.

Now hit is profet for to knaw
quat tyme þo Holy Gost wos sent,
& querfor As I shall schawe,
As doctours sayn now takes entent.


In þo fyfty day he come I-wis
After his resurrectioun,
to knawe thre [þ]ynges þat in hym is,
ffyrst hor lawes perfectioun,
þat oþer hor endles mede for þis,
þe thrid of synnes remissioun.
þat in þo olde lawe, as rede I,
this thyng wos done þat I shall say,
Þat lawe wos made perfyte þer-by,
be gode resoun preue I may.

Primo spiritus sanctus est legis perfectio. In quinquagesimo die missus est spiritus sanctus, vt detur intelligi quoniam A spiritu est legis perfectio, eterna remuneracio & peccatorum remissio, &c.

A lombe wos offered reuerently,
& after þo fyfty day
The lawe wos gefen [on] Synay
in fir to Moyses, in gode fay.
So in þo nwe testament
þo Holy Gost, As leuen we,
In fir þo fyfty day wos sent
After þat Crist rose, leue ȝe me.
& þus who-so will take entent,
ffor fyrst þo lombe may likened be
To Crist þat secund lombe wos sent
& sacrified, as ȝer wos he.
þen ryȝt As Moyses law come
þo fyfty day next After þoo,
So Cristes gost in fir doun come
To conferme þes lawes too.


þus sent wos lawe in Synay,
þe Holy Gost in Mount Syon,
þo laghe on heghe hille, as rede I,
þat oþer in howse lyȝt hom opon.
So hit schewes wele be this
þat perfection of tho lawe
wos thurgh þo Holy Gost I-wis,
& þen fulfilled, be clerkes sawe.

Spiritus plenitudo est mentis, perfectio muneris.

Be tho Holy Gost also
ffull reward euermor lastyng,
As in tho glose Among moo
Is wretyn þis worde wele Acordyng.
That ryȝt As Crist on erthe her
After his resurrexioun
ffaurty dayes wos in fer
with his disciples, wete ȝe moun,
And steghe to heuen þo faurty day,
þat holy chirche may signefy
þat now endures to Goddes pay
to wyn euerlastyng blis þer-by,
So may þo fyfty day I-wis
signefy rewarde be resoun,
In quiche day kyng of blis
Sende his gost to vs Adoun.