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 1 The Proem. 
 2. The Story. 
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 Fragment A. 
 Fragment B. 
 Fragment C. 


"Whoso that ne knowe nat the sterres of Arctour, ytorned neyghe to the sovereyne centre or poynt (that is to seyn, ytorned neyghe to the sovereyne pool of the firmament), and wot nat why the sterre Boetes passeth or gadreth his waynes and drencheth his late flaumbes in the see; and whi that Boetes, the sterre, unfooldeth hise overswifte arysynges, thanne schal he wondryn of the lawe of the heie eyr. And eek yif that he ne knowe nat why that the hornes of the fulle mone waxen pale and infect by bowndes of the derk nyght, and how the mone derk and confus discovereth the sterres that sche hadde covered by hir clere vysage. The comune errour moeveth folk, and [the Coribantes maken hir tabours sounen and maken] weery hir basyns of bras by thikke strokes. (That is to seyn, that ther is a maner peple that hyghte Coribantes, that wenen that whan the mone is in the eclips that it be enchaunted, and therfore for to rescowe the mone thei betyn hir basyns with thikke strokes.) Ne no man ne wondreth whanne the blastes of the wynd Chorus beten the strondes of the see by quakynge floodes; ne no man ne wondrith whan the weighte of the snowh, ihardid by the cold, is resolvyd by the brennynge hete of Phebus, the sonne; for her seen men redily the causes. But [ther] the causes yhidd (that is to seyn, in hevene) trowblen the brestes of men. The moevable peple is astoned of alle thinges that comen seelde and sodeynly in our age; but yif the trubly errour of our ignoraunce departed fro us, so that we wisten the causes why that swiche thinges bytyden, certes thei scholde cesen to seme wondres."