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[Before my soul and body part]

Before my soul and body part,
Saviour, to part my sin and me,
Thy love's omnipotence exert,
And re-unite my soul to Thee.
Thou know'st for more than seventy years
I have for Thy salvation stay'd,
And leaving now the vale of tears,
I mourn the blessing still delay'd.
Broke off from Thee, by passion grieved,
Born to lament and suffer, I
A stranger to Thy love have lived;
And must I, Lord, a stranger die?
I must, unless Thy yearning heart
With pure spontaneous love o'erflow,
Unless Thy nature Thou impart,
Whose blood was shed to save Thy foe.
My hope I ground on this alone,
Thou never canst forget that tree,
When Mercy groan'd His final groan,
When Love Himself expired for me.


Me to redeem from sin and hell
Thou didst Thy precious life resign,
My pardon in Thy blood to seal,
And God and man again to join.
To buy for me the' uniting grace,
That I to holiness restored
Might in the arms of faith embrace,
And live one spirit with my Lord.
That I the' habitual pure delight
Might in that vital union prove,
And comprehend the depth and height,
And length and breadth, of dying love.