University of Virginia Library


Days gone by.

Though we charge to-day with fleetness,
Though we dread to-morrow's sky,
There's a melancholy sweetness
In the name of days gone by:
Yes, though Time has laid his finger
On them, still with streaming eye
There are spots where I can linger
Sacred to the days gone by.
Oft as memory's glance is ranging
Over scenes that cannot die,
Then I feel that all is changing,
Then I weep the days gone by:
Sorrowful should I be, and lonely,
Were not all the same as I,
'Tis for all, not my lot only,
To lament the days gone by.
Cease, fond heart,—to thee are given
Hopes of better things on high,
There is still a coming heaven
Better than the days gone by;


Faith lifts off the sable curtain
Hiding huge eternity,
Hope accounts her prize as certain,
And forgets the days gone by;
Love, in grateful adoration
Bids distrust and sorrow fly,
And with glad anticipation
Calms regret for days gone by.