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The poetical works of Henry Alford

Fifth edition, containing many pieces now first collected

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Now had the Son of God his upward path
Accomplished to Heaven's gates, which open stood
Greeting the Victor: He, for thus seemed best,
Alone, as all alone He had achieved
His mighty errand, through the yielding air
Buoyant, those adamantine portals passed,
But not unwelcomed: such a shout burst forth
From all Heaven's armies, now in order bright
Marshalled; and through clear ether jubilant,
Ten thousand times ten thousand sweetest notes
Swelled the full concord: while unnumbered harps
Woke into rapturous music: “Lo, He comes—
The Saviour of the world—the mighty Lord!
All power is given to Him in heaven and earth;
The name that is above all other names,
That before Him should every creature bow!”
He through the middle way of highest Heaven
Passed meekly on. Love from his countenance
Shed softest light, blended with purest joy;
And as He went, effulgent streams of flame,
Kindled by recent glory reassumed,
Thickened around Him: Heaven beneath sent up
Her fragrant incense, with thick springing flowers
Bursting in various hues; with native pearl
And flexile ruby, as a bride bedecked.


Now had the Saviour to the holiest place
Approached, where from the Father's secret throne
Issues the counsel of the will divine.
This reached, He stood, first man of all our race
Appearing at the judgment-seat of God;
In death by His own power subduing death,
Spotless from sin; the Godhead into flesh
Not turned, but taking manhood into God.
Forth with, unwonted radiance, pure and mild,
(For gaze, though of the clearest sight in heaven
That throne erewhile endured not,) issued forth;
So that all faces, reverently bent
In lowly worship, beamed with silent joy,
The while the Voice divine approval spoke:
“Sit thou on My right hand, until I make
Thy foes Thy footstool; bring within the veil
Thine human form, thus pure in righteousness;
Be Thou the King and Judge of heaven and earth;
Stand Thou beside the throne for man; here plead
Thy merits, and with grateful sacrifice
Be Thou the great High Priest, by whom alone
Shall man draw nigh to God, and meet with grace.”
To whom the Saviour thus in prayer replied:
“Father, I will that on the race of men
Thou shouldst bestow another Comforter,
That He may ever with Thy Church abide;
Even the Spirit of truth, whom I will send,
My promise made of old, now due by Me.”
Thus spake the Son of God: and over heaven


Effluent, as odour from deep fields of balm,
Passed the Almighty Spirit: not then first
Sent forth ....