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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Tercio in flatu.

Tho thyrd maner he con hym shawe
wos in blawyng at þo mowthe,
And monnes blast, kyndly to knawe,
Is light & hote, is none vncouthe.
Gost-wynd nedefull is to recouer
monnes gost þat greued is,
ffor shawing of no thyng mon is leuer
þen softe blast quen he fares mys.
So is þo Holy Gost full lyȝt
As wynde to entre in monnes thoȝt,
þat flees syn & drawes to ryȝt,
he mas his seyte þer all vnsoght.
þer-for says þo glose wele her
þat Goddes gost con not be latte
ffrom plas þat he will to Aper,
ffor sone As he comes And all vnfotte.

Glosa super [illud]: Factus est repente, nescit tarda molumina spiritus sancti gracia. Item spiritus sanctus calidus est ad inflandum, &c.

Also þo Holy Gost is hote
ffor to enflaume as fir dos ay,
Goddes worde, As I wele woote,
Acordis to þis, As I shall say,
‘I come’, he says, ‘to erthe her
ffor to put fire þer-in,
And I will þat hit brenne cler
In mennes Eres & noȝt blynne.’


Luce xiio: ignem mittere in terram & quid volo, nisi vt ardet, &c.

Tho fir is called þo Holy Gost,
þo flaume of hit þat ese blast
þat Crist blew of myȝtes most
quen hit to his dysciples past.
þer-for þat wynde likened is
þat brennes mennes hertes so,
To þo sotheron wynde I-wis,
þat moystes & brennes bothe too.
ffor hyt moystes, no-thyng Amys,
men te be meke bothe one & moo,
And brennes hom Alls, leues wele þis,
To God bothe in weyle & wo.