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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman
15 occurrences of caske
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15 occurrences of caske
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Ad Deum.

The onely true God, (betwixt whom and Me,
I onely bound my comforts; and agree
With all my actions) onely truly knowes,
And can iudge truly me, with all that goes
To all my Faculties. In whose free grace
And inspiration, I onely place
All meanes to know (with my meanes; Study, praire,
In, & from his word taken) staire by staire,
In all continual contentation, rising
To knowledge of his Truth; and practising


His wil in it, with my sole Sauiours aide,
Guide, and enlightning: Nothing done, nor saide,
Nor thought that good is; but acknowledg'd by
His inclination, skill, and faculty.
By which, to finde the way out to his loue
Past all the worlds; the sphere is, where doth moue
My studies, prai'rs, and pow'rs: No pleasure taken
But sign'd by his: for which, my blood forsaken,
My soule I cleaue to: and what (in his blood
That hath redeem'd, cleans'd, taught her) fits her good.