University of Virginia Library


[Wretched soul, the strife forbear]

Wretched soul, the strife forbear,
The long successless pain,
Sink o'erwhelm'd with just despair
To love thy God again:
Seek no more the things above,
To none but loving spirits given:
If thou canst not hope for love,
Thou canst not hope for heaven.
Never shall I love my God,
Till God in Christ I know,
Him who bought me with His blood,
Who died to save His foe:
Never shall I cease from sin,
Till in His loving Spirit reveal'd
Jesus witnesses within,
And speaks my pardon seal'd.
Jesus, (if I may once more
Without presumption pray,)
Comfort to my soul restore,
And take my sin away,
All the guilt, and all the power,
And all the nature, Lord, remove;
Save me, save me in this hour
By bringing in Thy love.
Come Thyself into my heart,
Essence of love Divine,
Thy own nature to impart
And make it truly mine:


Then I know salvation sure,
I find the glorious earnest given,
One with my Beloved, mature
For all the joys of heaven.