University of Virginia Library



[Jesus, my soul aspires]

Jesus, my soul aspires
By faith to compass Thee,
With infinite desires
To grasp Immensity:
Of all in earth and heaven
I nothing want beside,
But when my God is given
My soul is satisfied.
Thy nature pure partaking,
To Thee in spirit join'd,
And in Thine image waking,
The true delight I find:
The God of my salvation
If Thou in me appear,
With bless'd anticipation
I see, and taste Thee here.
Yet still my Lord possessing,
For more of heaven I pray,
I want the final blessing
In that most joyful day,
The intimate fruition
Of glorious holiness,
The full eternal vision
Of my Redeemer's face.
Come then in all Thy glory,
The saints' triumphant King,
Of all things transitory
The flaming period bring:
And lo! out of the burning
On angels' wings I fly,
And meet my Lord returning,
And grasp Him in the sky.